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Thursday, December 27, 2012





V-   is for the Victory in Jesus.
A-  is for Amazing grace how sweet the sound.
L-   is for His Love that lifted me.
and E -   is for Eternal  life, when found.
N-   is Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
T-   is for  Thanksgiving praise we give.
I - is for, Jesus IS the answer
 N-  Is for -  We Need His love to live.
 and E-   is  - The love,  He E-ver  gives.
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 27th, 2013

Someone Had A Question About The E at The End  - E Is For Ever - Which Means God Keeps On Giving Out Love Even Though We Do Not Deserve It.

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Angel On A Mission


Angel  On A Mission

I'm an angel on a mission from God;
I'm an angel on a mission of love.
I rejoice in the heavenly choir;
Sparkling white my heavenly attire.
I'm practicing for our grand appearance;
Which will be a historical occurrence.
All angels in line- are ready to go;
"Part the clouds! - Go have a glorious show!"
The skies are opening for all to see;
And we spring forth in God's perfect glory.
The clouds are glowing from sky to earth;
As we declare the Saviors holy birth.
Shepherds shield their eyes and quake to the ground;
Rays of light are circling all around.
"Fear not'  I cry, We bring you good tidings;"
In awe we sing upon our golden wings.
We sing, Glory to God in the highest;
The shepherds praise the Lord and feel so blest.
For the Savior was born this holy day;
They gather their sheep and go on their way.
We direct them to the star, radiant ;
And they go to find the new born infant.
Ringing bells and sheep bleating all the way;
They find the Savior on this Christmas day.
If I, an angel, were to speak to you;
With Gods heart of grace , in His love so true.
Of  the Son of God , come to the World;
Would you seek the Savior and make Him Lord?
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 20th, 2012

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Day Stony Heart Found Love Again


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Verses - Cue Cards

Restored November 17th, 2014

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Thank-You Baby Jesus

Thank-You Baby Jesus
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 19th, 2012
Thank-you precious Son of God, our holy loving Lord;
Thank -you baby Jesus for coming to this world.
Thank-you for the Christmas star that shines up in the sky;
Thank-you for the evergreen, In Christ we'll never die.
Thank- you for the Christmas angels singing in the light;
Thank-you for the shepherds that kneel this silent night.
Thank-you  for the wise men who travel  desert lands;
Who come so very far with three precious gifts in hand.
Thank-you for your true love upon this joy filled Christmas;
You are the- Emanuel , our God come down to us.
Thank-you for mother Mary and for wise Joseph too;
Thank-you  baby Jesus for all you come to do.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Visuals And Coloring - Restored August 12th, 2014

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A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

by J.G. Holland

There's a song in the air!
There's a star in the sky!
There's a mother's deep prayer
And a baby's low cry!
And the star rains its fire while the Beautiful sing,
For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king.
christmas star
There's a tumult of joy
O'er the wonderful birth,
For the virgin's sweet boy
Is the Lord of the earth.
Ay! the star rains its fire and the Beautiful sing,
For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king.
wise man
In the light of that star
Lie the ages impearled;
And that song from afar
Has swept over the world.
Every hearth is aflame, and the Beautiful sing
In the homes of the nations that Jesus is King.

We rejoice in the light,
And we echo the song
That comes down through the night
From the heavenly throng.
Ay! we shout to the lovely evangel they bring,
And we greet in his cradle our Saviour and King.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Connecticut Tragedy

The Connecticut Tragedy

No words can express the pain of losing a child through violence.
The trauma, the heartbreak, the brokenness and the anger.

To never hear your child's laugh again, to never be able to hug them or comfort them.

To live a lifetime without them would be the most unbearable reality to have to face.

Lord, comfort the victims of the Connecticut tragedy.

Let their hearts know that their children are held in your loving arms.

Protect the children of our country and turn our nations heart back to you.

We know that this life is only a vapor and we will see these dear children again.
Lord, protect our children from the influences of this world that lead to this kind of violence.
Shelter the innocent hearts of our children.
My church and my family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Our hearts are sorrowful for all the victims of this horrific crime.
November 15th, 2012 

Susan Nikitenko
Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Present Sent With Love

 A Present Sent With Love
Jesus was the baby;
Born on Christmas day.
He would one day grow up;
And take our sins away.
Jesus was the baby;
Sent from God above.
Heavens Christmas present;
A present sent with love.
Jesus was the baby;
Held in Mary's arms.
Laid in a manger bed;
And kept from all harm.
Jesus was the baby;
Underneath the star,
Worshipped by shepherds,
And Kings from afar.
Jesus was the baby;
Sent from God above.
Heavens Christmas present;
A present sent with love.
Susan Y Nikitenko
December 11,2012
Children's Song

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Sour Oranges


Sour Oranges

Bill Brinkworth
On our daily run through the woods, my daughter and I passed a grove of Florida oranges. Each week the little, green oranges grew larger and larger. Soon they showed their familiar orange color.
It seemed this small field of orange trees had been forgotten. The grove did not seem to get any attention. The grass was not mowed, and it looked as if the oranges would just go unpicked and fall to the ground.
“Why waste them?” we thought.
We went to the farmer’s house, and asked permission. “Would you mind if we just picked a couple of bags for our own use?”
“Sure,” he said with a smile. “Take all you want.”
We went back home and got several empty bags, and went back to the grove. After picking a few, I suggested we try one, to see how they were. I took out my penknife and cut us each a piece from the largest, juiciest, orange we had picked.
One quick lick had us both spitting out all of what we had sampled. It was the sourest orange we had ever tasted. They were all too tart to eat, to juice, or for anything useful.
It seems a killing frost several years previously had killed the tree. After its death, a wild orange had sprung up under the graft. The graft is where a sweet fruit branch is spliced on top of a wild, sour, orange tree rootstock. The wild orange seedling was cut away, leaving only a sweet orange-producing branch. The root was from a wild, sour orange producing tree, but the fruit-producing growth produced only sweet juicy oranges.
When the good, orange graft had died, the “tree” resorted to its natural form. Although they looked like sweet oranges, smelled like sweet oranges, and even had leaves that looked very much like that of a sweet orange, the fruit was sour and inedible.
One of the biggest problems Christianity has ever faced is there are many “sour orange Christians”. They look and dress like Christians. They talk as Christians should, and even quote verses from the Bible. They go to church as Christians should, and maybe even carry their copy of the Word of God there. Many of their outward actions appear to be what God would want them to do. Others would even judge, from what they saw in their lives, that they were “good” people.
Inwardly, however they are like the wild orange rootstock. The fruit of their “Christianity,” if any resemblance of it is ever produced, does not honor Christ, is not in line with what the scriptures teach, and is too much like what the unsaved world produces. They claim to be Christian, but their life is not much different than the life of an unsaved person.
When one is truly saved, one is a new, different person as II Corinthians 5:17 tells us. Old ways and lifestyles are done away with, and are replaced with a new way of living. The changes are not superficial, because they are made from the inside. The new “inside” changes what the outside believes and thinks. Yes, the flesh is the same one obtained at birth, and still has the same weaknesses and temptations, but the new born-again (John 3:3) “insides” will help keep the old flesh at bay.
New and different “fruit” will be seen in a born-again person’s life. As the children’s song goes, “The things I used to say, I won’t say them anymore … the things I used to do, I don’t do them anymore … since I have been born-again”. The new, changed heart that is left when the Holy Spirit of God moves in and reigns in one’s life will produce new, goodly, Godly fruit.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Lesson Plan - Restored August 10th, 2014

My Daughter Taught This Lesson To Students Her Own Age
But It Was Written To Teach To A Younger Age Group.

Bulletin Board


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Can anyone tell me what I taught on over the last couple weeks? God has made each and everyone one of us special. He designed perfectly your fingers, toes, eyes, elbows, nose, hip bone, and the shape you’re in. Open your Bibles to Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
Today I brought something very special and beautiful. I brought this rose. Just like God made us special, He has put as much detail into creating a single rose. Each rose is different, not one the same. Some are pink, purple, red, and many other colors. He has created each petal with special care and shaped it perfectly. Now, God did not make this rose. I made this flower which is made out of paper. I had to pick the color of my rose. I took the time to cut out each petal and carefully shape it. I had to make the leaves and put them all in the right places to create my work of art. Even if I made more than one rose, each one would come out different. God has done the same with me and you. He has shaped us perfectly into the young ladies he wants us to be. He knew what color eyes you would have, what color hair you would have, what color skin you would have even before you were born. Can I have a few girls raise their hands and tell me one thing you like about how God made you different from others? Remember girls, God made you special. Thank Him for creating you the way you are. Love the way God made you, you are his masterpiece. God does not want you to hate the way he created you. He loves every feature you have, your eyes, ears, nose…EVERYTHING. Let’s praise Him because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Roses are red, Violets are blue, God made me and you.

Written By:  Krysta Nikitenko

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Life Application
Once there were two best friends. Marina and Kristina did everything together since they were two years old. They went on play dates, had tea parties, went to the park, and their favorite was to color and do crafts together. Marina and Kristina were so excited the first day of Second grade was tomorrow! They loved going to school together. This year Kristina was going to sleepover at Marina’s house to get ready for the first day of school. They had the best outfits picked out. Both had matching pretty pink flowing dresses with purple flowers. Of course, their favorite colors were purple and pink. Being eager for the first day of school they went to bed super early. The next day they wore their matching pink and purple dresses with confidence until they entered their class room. They looked from girl to girl and noticed all the girls were dressed very different. Their friend, Ashley from first grade walked up to them and started laughing at them. She said in between her giggles, did your mommies make your cute dresses? There so long. Some of Ashley’s friends started coughing and saying ugly under their breaths. Marina thought to herself…am I really ugly? After school that day Marina went straight to her room and was very upset. She looked in her mirror and thought…I am ugly. She said to herself in the mirror, “Look at my nose…it’s too pointy, my ears stick out too much, and my eyes are just the wrong color. I will never look anything like Ashley and her popular clothes.” Marina layed on her bed and cried herself to sleep with the thought of being ugly. While she was crying, her mom had overheard Marina point out the things that she did not like about herself. Marina woke up the next morning and declared to her mom, “I’m sick, I cannot go to school today.” Her mom knew the real reason Marina did not want to go to school that day. Her mom sat down on the edge of her bed and said, “Sweetheart, why don’t you want to go to school today? You love school.” Marina with tears in her eyes said, Mommy, I’m so ugly…all the girls in my class are so much prettier than I am. I hate myself. Marina’s mommy opened her Bible and read Psalm 139:140 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Marina’s mommy told her that God specially made her and no one else looked like Marina because God made her just the way He saw fit. He made her eyes, ears, and nose perfect just for Marina and no one else.
Marina has a decision to make…will she love the way God made her and be thankful or will she hate herself and be unhappy with the way God perfectly designed her?
What would you do?
 Written By: Krysta Nikitenko



There Is Only One You

Susan Y Nikitenko   June 9th, 2012
If someone said you were not special;
This assertion is not true.
Though you must work with all your heart;
There is no one - just like you.

You were planned and purposed by our maker;
Before you were ever born.
You are one of His unique creations;
In love and thought you were formed.

There is only one you..
God Made Me

Game Intructions:
Ages: K-4th
Divide class into two teams. The name of the teams will be Roses vs. Daises.
Ask questions over the lesson or just Bible questions. As the teams answers correct
they get to add a piece of their flower. Start with the flower pot, then seed
packets with seeds, and than grow the flower from the stem up. The team that
finishes their flower first must shout "GOD MADE ME" to win the game.

Written By: Krysta Nikitenko 
Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Christmas Is All About Christ - Restored August 17th, 2014

Christmas Is All About Christ

Miss Busy: Kacee, Kacee, Kacee, I have another question. Can you help me?
Kacee: Sure, Miss Busy. What is it? I am always happy to answer your questions and help.
Miss Busy: Well I’m confused, what is Christmas really all about? All my friends talk about shopping and giving presents. They tell me it is ALLLLL about the presents. Whoever gets the biggest, bestest, most expensive gift has the best Christmas ever! They tell me that if their parents don’t get what they want for Christmas they would be so unhappy. I mean is it all about presents, dazzling lights, Christmas trees, snow, and delicious food? I mean I LOVE…just ABSOLUTELY LOVE Christmas cookies and ham and ooooo everything about Christmas! But there has to be more to Christmas than that!
Kacee: You’re right Miss Busy. Christmas is more than that. Christmas is the birthday of a King. Yes, giving presents is nice, so is pretty lights, Christmas trees, snow and yummy Christmas cookies. But….Christmas is all about Christ. Look at the first 6 letters of Christmas and what do you find?
Miss Busy: Hmmmmm C-H-R-I-S-T Ohhhhhh Christ! It spells Christ.
Kacee: That’s right Miss Busy. Jesus was sent to this world in a form of a Baby. He was born in a manger in a stable many years ago.
Miss Busy: Yeah, just like the manger scene display they have at church.
Kacee: Do you know why Jesus came to earth Miss Busy?
Miss Busy: Well, I know Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for our sins so we could go to heaven one day.
Kacee: That’s exactly right. Now Christmas is when we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. It really isn’t about all those presents. It is only about one gift…that is the gift of salvation. Jesus has a special gift for anyone who will receive it. He came to this world to die on the cross to pay a price we could not pay for our sins. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Do you know what ALL means Miss Busy?
Kacee: That’s right, All…everyone has sinned according to the Word of God. Our sin separates us from God. The Bible says in Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death...” Wages is something we earn, so it is saying that because of our sin we deserve death, that is a spiritual death in hell.
Miss Busy: That’s not the end of the verse…I’ve heard this one at church. …”The wages of sin is death BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Kacee: Very good Miss Busy. Yes, this Christmas God has a gift for you. That is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. This is talking about heaven. The only way to receive this gift is through Jesus Christ. We must know we have sinned, ask the Lord to forgive us our sins, and believe that He died on the cross and rose again.
Miss Busy: Oh yes, the Bible says in Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Kacee: You probably know this verse too Miss Busy. John 3:16. Will you say it with me?
Miss Busy: Sure thing.
Miss Busy and Kacee: “For God so love the world that He gave His only Begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Kacee: See Miss Busy, Christmas is all about Christ and His gift of salvation.
Miss Busy: Thank-you Kacee. It is so easy to forget the real meaning of Christmas. I am going to tell all my friends about the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus’s special gift He has for them this Christmas. I might make Em’ some Christmas cookies too because I LOOOOVE Christmas cookies. Yummmm! Bye.
Kacee: Have you accepted this gift of salvation? If not, just pray to the Lord and mean it with your heart, ask him to forgive you of your sins, tell Him you believe He died on that cross just for you and rose again. Ask Him to be the savior of your life this Christmas. He will save you. Don’t delay accept this gift today.

Written By:  Krysta Nikitenko

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Down On The Farm -

Down On The Farm
Introduction Show
        The Sunday before VBS begins
* Leland Stuckle-Man Puppet with tie and mic and deep announcer voice
*Brink Fretly- Nerdy Looking and sounding Puppet
with big taped glasses, mic, and Hawaiian shirt.
(News Intro Music)
Leland Stuckle: (Enters) Hello and welcome to P-I-ACTION News! I’m your host Leland Stuckle. How many of you have ever wondered EXACTLY how a plant grows? Do you ever wonder if Sun, Water, and Soil ACTUALLY make a difference? And do all farmer’s look like bald, grumpy men with pitchforks? We at P-I-ACTION News have the scoop for you! As we send ONE OF OUR BEST, Brink Fretly, DOWN ON THE FARM!!
Brink Fretly: (Pops up) WHHAAATT!!!
Leland: That’s right, YOU Brink Fretly are going DOWN ON THE FARM!!
Brink: (Shakes his head) Oh dear, oh dear, ummmmm Leland this might not be such a great idea…
Leland: He will find your answers this week in an all exclusive view of the Highbrook Broken Bridge Farm.
Brink: Umm it sounds flooded maybe we should wai…
Leland: HE will go where NO man has gone before!!
Brink: Why Me?  I’m to young to die (cry a little)
Leland: He will Find your answers!!
Brink: And Scary Cows and HAY that makes me sneeze and pecking CHICKENS!!
Leland: Yes, our man brink Fretly is on the job DOWN ON THE FARM
Brink: But I’m allergic to PITCHFORKS!
Leland: Tune in this week from 6to 8:30 every night, right here, and watch as Brink Fretly goes DOWN ON THE FARM! It is a special you won’t want to miss!
Brink: Umm I do Leland!!
Leland: This has been P-I-ACTION News, I’m Leland Stuckle. Goodnight!  
Brink: Leland! Come back here…(Follows him across stage then behind stage) I’m not sure this is such a good idea!
(News Closing Music)
Written By: Natasha Miller

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.


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