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Friday, March 4, 2016

Somethings Missing

Something Missing

You know that there are people in this world that have a hole in their heart.  They could even walk around their whole lives and never know that they have a hole in their heart.
Sometimes there are people who need their  heart replaced.  Their heart is sick and weak.  Many people with heart conditions are continually  wondering if they will be here tomorrow.

The bible talks about our heart, but it's not talking about our physical heart, but  is speaking of the place we have emotions, make choices, the private inside of us that only you and God see.  The truth of the matter is we are all born with something missing.  We are born without knowing God or understanding God.  We realize as we get older, there is an empty place in our heart, a place that has never been filled.  Some people try to fill it up with things, but find that empty place still there.  Some people try to fill that empty place with relationships, but still they need to look farther. They still know that emptiness.  People can be very rich and have every desire of life, but emptiness follows them in everything they do and everywhere they go.  That's why someone who has everything, sometimes has everything but cannot find it satisfying anymore.

We without God are like a person who has a hole in our heart.  God wants to fill that empty spot.  We have no hope without Christ, no hope for heaven , no hope of worthiness that lasts forever.  A worthiness that is found in Christ alone.

God has provided a way for us to know him personally.  The bible teaches us when we truly trust Christ, He comes and dwells within our heart and that is when the empty place becomes fulfilled. It is  then that we find peace with God.  When you are a child of God, you cannot live in peace with God and live in sin.

God wants to fill that empty place in your heart today.  Will you let the light of Jesus in your heart ?  Will you believe and trust Him today as your personal Saviour.  Will you accept his gift of forgiveness and turn to him for your salvation?  His desire is for you to be saved and He wants you to know it.

Susan Y  Nikitenko
March 4th, 2016

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that if anyone here has realized their need of you.   That you will give them courage and understanding.
I pray that you will fill the empty place in their heart.

I pray we all will live closely with you Lord, that we may continue in your peace.
In the name of Jesus, I pray this, Amen

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