
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Every Little Detail

Mt 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Every Little Detail

Though snowflakes are as tiny as can be;
Each one is a masterpiece of art.
When glittering upon a frozen morn;
We are reminded Lord, how great thou art.

People are people but not one the same;
So loved we, that you even know our name.
Made in thy image, in your perfect love;
People are people but not one the same.

All the different fishes in the sea;
The magnificent colorful coral reefs;
Each tiny atom, each molecule;
Every little clue just points back to you.

Every little detail, each surprise;
Every little flower, each bird that flies;
We are reminded and fully recognize -
How great thou art, how holy, how wise;
You make everything beautiful in its time.

Susan Y Nikitenko
January 23rd, 2016
Children's Praise song

Children's Praise Song

Children of God should realize that God knows everything about us even every hair on our heads are numbered.  God is interested in every detail of our heart and lives.  He pays attention to our prayers and pays attention to our actions.  Creation tells us about God and how great He is. Creation offers so many interesting wonderful things which he has made for us to learn and enjoy.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are his workmanship down to the most minute detail.  We should praise him and honor him with our lives and our choices in life.

Nature itself testifies of Him..because the smallest thing is grand in it's existing.

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