
Monday, May 1, 2017

The Missing Peace - Lesson 2

The Missing Peace

When God made the rules of the garden there was only one rule.  The only rule
was not to eat of the forbidden fruit.  They had everything to be completely satisfied in life.  The serpent beguiled them and tricked them into believing a lie.  When they disobeyed the only rule of the garden.  The peace that they felt with God was gone. It was missing from that very moment.

Fear was immediate in their hearts and lives.  They were afraid of the punishment of God upon them.  This was the first time they ever felt fear, for the first time they knew they were naked before God.   The serpent convinced them that they would be like God, knowing both good and  evil.  Instead, they became sinners, while God remained sinless.
They immediately became sinners in need of salvation.
Death entered this world, at the disobedience of Adam and Eve.  Sin is such a serious thing to God, that sin required a blood sacrifice unto the Lord.  It was the first time a young he lamb without spot was sacrificed for a temporary covering.  It was the first time blood had been shed.  

God cursed them in their disobedience,  they would know pain, sorrow and sadness for the rest of their lives.  They would have to work to eat and to live.   God made them leave the perfect garden He made for them.   He also told them they could no longer eat of the tree of life and God sent angels to  guard it.

Adam and Eve made then a yearly sacrifice and continued to have a relationship with the Lord but it was not the same.  They still had happy times but they would also live with unhappy times.
Without God, there is no true peace of heart.  The peace that Adam and Eve knew with God would never really be the same as it was in the garden God made for them.

Adam and Eve looked forward to redemption's promise, through faith and we look back at the cross for our redemption through faith.  When Christ was crucified, as the perfect lamb of God, without spot (meaning sinless).  He died one time for all, no other covering, no other death sacrifice was required.  He finished at the cross what needed to be done.

Mankind is still missing peace, until we find the hope and joy of salvation in Christ alone.  Without Christ we cannot know the peace of God or be at peace with God.

When we find the missing piece, which is Christ for salvation, is when we  find the missing peace..  The peace that rules our hearts because of Christ in us.  The blessing of peace abides with us when we remain faithful in prayer and right living as children of God.

Dear Father In Heaven,
Be with each one here today, I pray you will open their hearts and their minds to your truth.
I pray they will find the peace that passes all understanding.  The forgiveness of Christ and rest of soul, that comes by knowing you.  Hold back the powers of Satan in their lives and bring the miracle of faith into their lives.  May they believe and trust you today as the only way of salvation.  In Christ name, I pray this, Amen.

Upon this day, will you trust Christ as your Saviour and Hero of your life?

Susan Y Nikitenko
May 1st, 2017

 Genesis 3:11
 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

Roman 5:1  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

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