
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Saying Thank-you

Saying Thank-you

If you never teach your child to say thank-you - you are teaching them to be thankless.
We need to teach and expect children to say thank you.

Somewhere in life someone taught the thankful leper to say thank-you. Maybe the 9 lepers that didn't say thank-you were never taught to say thank-you.

One of my pastors, years ago, did something nice for a little girl and she didn't say thank-you. He confronted the mother and said, "I gave your child a gift, but she didn't say thank-you." The mother apologized and told her daughter to thank the pastor. The pastor didn't do this because he wanted thanks for himself. He did it for the child that needed to learn how to treat others.

Is It Really Ever Too Late To Say Thank-You

     Today is a lesson on Thanksgiving, not only to God but to all those who by grace have been a blessing to us as well.  There are only a few places in the bible that teaches us that saying thank-you to someone is important.  The story that has recently come to my memory is a story of love and justice.  This story is just as real as it gets .... when a thank-you - becomes so important, that it keeps a king up all night long.

A king, who was very powerful and rich.  This king had the power of life and death in his hand, a golden scepter.  If anyone came before his throne, if the king held out the scepter, it was a welcome invitation, but if not invited, those approaching were put to death. 
    If you haven't guessed it yet, this king is the king of Queen Ester.  Prayerfully, she had to approach his throne, she had to somehow communicate what was troubling her.  All Jewish lives were in peril. (danger)  ....  She fasted and all Jewish people fasted and prayed for her success. 

    This king had trouble sleeping...God wanted him to do something.  He didn't know God was the one keeping him awake.  Something made him search His records, he was up working in the middle of the night.  I'm pretty sure he remembered someone, someone very special, who saved his life.  He didn't know what his name was.   It was the one that sat at the King's gate, the one who discovered, a plot of the eunuchs to put the king to death, which, by his vigilance, defeated the king's foe.  This brave man's actions were reported to the king and were duly recorded in the royal chronicles.  


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