
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Easter or Spring Umbrella

The Easter Umbrella

These green umbrellas came along with some teaching aids that
were donated by Mrs, Asbury.  They were already cut out of green cardboard with this song verse on it and were faded.
I decorated them with markers and colored pencils.  Now they look new.

I do not know this song but I'm going to have the children hold these umbrellas and repeat the song
portion, that they are holding.

One at a time...
I will read it and they will repeat it  

Enlarge a clipart outline of an umbrella.  

Draw another outline around the clipart found by following the link below.  Make a half-inch border around it or slightly bigger.  

Enlarge and trace the shape onto cardboard.  Cut it out and decorate it as shown above.

On the back of the umbrellas, I'm going to 
place another verse about the resurrection of Christ.

What do you use an umbrella for?  We use the umbrella to protect 
ourselves from rain or the heat of the sun.  

We are going to keep this umbrella in mind as we listen to our bible
story today.  Moses and The Ten Commandments.  We've been talking about the life of Moses quite a bit lately.  We are going to talk about the ten commandments because God has given the
ten commandments to help us understand what sin is.  Anytime we break God's law whether in thought or action it is considered a sin.  According to the bible if we break one of the commandments of the Lord God, then we are guilty of all of them.  

 James 2:10 
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

In order for us to be protected, by an umbrella so to speak, from the judgment of God, we must accept the gift of Salvation that is through Christ and his blood shed for us.  Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.  

We are going to turn to Exodus chapter 19

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