
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Christ Is Our Forever - Teen to Adult

Each day we can rejoice in our hope.  The hope of Christ and the promise of his return.  The hope of heaven where Jesus will brush our last tears away. For, we shall never cry again. We will then know more joy than we've ever known.

Christ is Our Forever

As we hear of the devastating horrific things that happen in this world.  Our hearts feel saddened and disheartened.  Some are traumatized and troubled over the violence and cruelty that happens in this world. 


We who truly know Christ, we have a home that awaits us where angels sing and rejoice night and day.

Where sweetness of spirit always persists, and the true love of Christ dwells.  No hate or hurt, no unwelcoming judgment, no violence, no death only peace eternal.


All those that perish in their rejection of Christ will weep evermore within the torments of hell.

We warn people as the Lord has commanded but the world goes on as if there is no God. 


Our peace and our hope is Christ for he will carry us away one day to our home awaiting us.

We do not rejoice over the terrible things that happen in life.  We rejoice because we have a Father in heaven to hold us and comfort us through our tears.  We rejoice that this life is temporal and the only

“Forever Home” is heaven.


Every day there is something to cry about.  Someone killed people, people died. Marriages break up, someone committed suicide.  A bomb went off people died on the streets. We could talk forever about the hurt of children or people who die of cancer. These things will happen and our hearts would be consumed

if we let it.


Christ is our forever.  This world will pass away and all of these things will end for us when we enter glory.  God tells us to comfort each other with these things.  We have a place awaiting, that Jesus has prepared.  A place where Godly love is real and shall never be broken.   We will see the most beautiful wave of Christians from all over the world. Every color, singing and worshipping across the golden streets of heaven.  We will see them singing.  We will see them worshiping. We shall do so together in praise of our Father, God Almighty. 


Each day we can rejoice in our hope.  The hope of Christ and the promise of his return.  The hope of heaven where Jesus will brush our last tears away. For, we shall never cry again. We will then know more joy than we've ever known.  


Jesus is in our hearts and He will be with us always.  He is our helper, our friend, and our comforter. 


1Thesalonians 4:16-18

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (Referring to verses 16 and 17)


1 Corinthians 15:52

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Revelations 21:4

 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.



Susan Y Nikitenko

January 10th 2023 ©

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Jesus In Our hearts

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