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Showing posts with label purpose for us. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purpose for us. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

God Has a Purpose for You

God Has a Purpose for You

 Our Father has a purpose for you.
He loveth his sons and daughters.
He leadeth in paths of righteousness.
He leadeth beside still waters.

Walk in the ways of Godly wisdom.
Follow God's instructions each day.
Ask and you will find his will for you
Acknowledge Him in all you do.

Not my will but yours be done, dear Lord.
This should be our main goal in Christ.
Live and love in the name of Jesus.
Make him the center of your life.

He is our Shepherd we shall not want.
He is our comfort and our friend.
He will show us his way and his will.
By faith, we will find our purpose in Him.
God has a purpose for you.
God has a purpose for me.
We need to look to him in prayer.
That He will lead us safely there.

That we won’t be distracted.
Don’t let the devil have his way.
That we won’t be turned away.
Don’t let the devil have his way.

God has a purpose for you.
God has a purpose for me.
We need to look to him in prayer.
That He will lead us safely there.

That we won’t be distracted.
Don’t let the devil have his way.
That we won’t be turned away.
Don’t let the devil have his way.

God has a purpose for you.
God has a purpose for me.

He is our Shepherd we shall not want.
He is our comfort and our friend.
He will show us his way and his will.
By faith, we will find our purpose in Him.

Susan Y Nikitenko
March 24, 2022 ©

This will let you know how the song goes - This is proof that it is a song.
I'll make another audio later.  When my voice is more clear,'
 I'm still recovering from being sick yesterday.

2Titas 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

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