
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Get Ready Get Set Let's Grow

Get Ready Get Set Let's Grow

Get ready get set let's grow;
Grow in Jesus, grow in his light.
Grow in His grace, grow each day;
Grow in standing for what is right.

Growing strong and courageous;
Growing in His love that's fearless.
Growing faithful in His grace;
As we grow closer to Jesus.

Growing to be more like Him;
Grow smarter every day.
Growing in His righteousness;
As we learn to pray and obey.

Growing roots that dig down deep;
Growing in faith, living in truth.
Grow in Jesus, and joyfulness;
Growing into His will for you. 

Get ready get set let's grow;
Grow in Jesus, grow in his light.
Grow in His grace, grow each day;
Grow in standing for what is right.

Growing roots that dig down deep;
Growing in faith, living in truth.
Grow in Jesus, and joyfulness;
Growing into His will for you. 

Susan Nikitenko
Kids Song
April 9th, 2016

 Ephesians  4:15
But speaking the truth in love,
may grow up into him in all things,
which is the head, even Christ:

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