Prophet of God: Jonah was a prophet chosen by God to deliver His messages to the people.
Reluctance: When God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against its wickedness, Jonah initially refused and tried to flee from God's presence by boarding a ship to Tarshish.
Disobedience: Jonah's attempt to escape God's command showed his disobedience and reluctance to follow God's will.
Storm at Sea: While Jonah was on the ship to Tarshish, God sent a great storm. The sailors, realizing that Jonah was the cause of the storm, threw him overboard to calm the sea.
Swallowed by a Great Fish: After being thrown into the sea, Jonah was swallowed by a great fish (often referred to as a whale) where he spent three days and three nights.
Prayer and Repentance: Inside the fish, Jonah prayed to God, repenting for his disobedience and seeking God's mercy.
Obedience: After being released from the fish, Jonah obeyed God's command and went to Nineveh to deliver the message of impending judgment.
Preaching in Nineveh: Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh, warning them of God's judgment if they did not repent from their wicked ways.
Nineveh's Repentance: The people of Nineveh, from the king to the commoners, believed Jonah's message, repented, and turned from their evil ways. God showed mercy and spared the city from destruction.
Jonah's Anger: Despite Nineveh's repentance and God's mercy, Jonah became angry and displeased because he wanted to see the city punished. God used a plant and a worm to teach Jonah a lesson about compassion and mercy.
These points highlight Jonah's journey from disobedience to obedience, his struggles with God's commands, and the lessons he learned about God's mercy and compassion. If you have any specific questions or want to explore more, feel free to ask!
God's Sovereignty: God is sovereign and in control of all things. He commands Jonah to go to Nineveh and sends a storm to redirect Jonah when he disobeys.
God's Omnipresence: God is present everywhere. Jonah tries to flee from God's presence, but God is with him even in the depths of the sea.
God's Mercy: God shows mercy to the people of Nineveh by giving them a chance to repent and avoid destruction.
God's Patience: God is patient with Jonah, despite his initial disobedience and reluctance to follow God's command.
God's Compassion: God has compassion for all people, including the wicked city of Nineveh. He desires their repentance and salvation.
God's Power: God demonstrates His power by calming the storm and commanding the great fish to swallow and later release Jonah.
God's Justice: God is just and holds people accountable for their actions. He sends Jonah to warn Nineveh of the impending judgment due to their wickedness.
God's Forgiveness: God forgives the people of Nineveh when they repent and turn from their evil ways.
God's Provision: God provides for Jonah's needs, even in the belly of the great fish, and later through the plant that gives him shade.
God's Teaching: God teaches Jonah a lesson about compassion and mercy through the plant and the worm, showing that His concern extends to all creation.
These points highlight various attributes of God as revealed in the story of Jonah.
He absolutely refused to obey the Lord. He got on a ship and paid them to take him as far away from Nineveh as possible. He thought He had outsmarted the Lord God.
It was all peaceful and happy, not a cloud in the sky. They started on their way. When they were way out at sea, something began to happen. The sky started to gather dark clouds. A raging storm with thunder and lightning began blowing across the sea. The ship was whipped back a fourth by the forceful winds. They began to fear for their lives. They wondered if God was angry with someone. They were looking for Jonah, where could he be? They found him sleeping. "We are going to die! Wake up! How can you sleep? God is angry with someone. Get up and pray to your God lest we die.
God’s wrath was kindled. The other men prayed to their false gods, but they did not hear. They started throwing all the cargo overboard.
Jonah admitted to them that he had been disobedient to God. He told them about the one and only God. They trusted the Lord God Almighty. They cried and prayed in fear to the living God Almighty.
Nothing worked the ship was going to go down if they didn’t do something. They threw Jonah overboard. Jonah was tangled in the waves of the sea. He nearly drowned to death and would have but Jonah awoke in a dark dripping cave filled with smelly whale digestion. He had air to breathe. Fear filled his heart.
God had prepared the whale for Jonah. He commanded the whale to swallow Jonah. The female whale is the biggest fish in the sea. So most likely it was a female whale that swallowed him.
Jonah prayed and cried to God for forgiveness. He felt as though he had died and gone to hell. He even called it hell. He said he was in "the belly of hell."
Talk about Jonah's Rebellion.
.Memory Verse
Jonah 1:1b .......go to Nineveh
gave Nineveh 40 days to repent. That meant many people would die in some
disaster. The sin of Nineveh was great and God became angry at
their evil-doing (sin) and their violence.
Jonah was inside the whale he thought he was in hell.
wasn't really in hell but there is a real hell for those who will not believe
upon the Lord God.
promised destruction to Nineveh but he really wanted them to repent. That
is why God wanted Jonah to Go to Nineveh and to warn them. God saw the
sin rise up towards heaven. God knows about any sin in our lives and He
wants us to turn from it, just like Jonah going to Nineveh. Jonah
repented of his sin and confessed his sin to God. He asked for God's
salvation, He surely would have died in the hell he was in had he not agreed to
go to Nineveh. God calls us to obey him and love him too.
Does God tell you to obey your
parents? Does he want you to be kind and forgiving?
There are lots of things God tells
us to do and also things he tells us not to do.
He knows everything about us and
knows what we think and feel.
The most important thing Is.....
The Bible teaches us that we must
believe upon the Lord
Jesus Christ to be delivered from
the real hell.
Jonah and the whale speak about
That's why God tells us to warn
people about the wrath to come.
Not to just grown-ups but also to
the young:
God calls preachers and teachers
to tell of God's mercy and his grace.
All of Nineveh believed and saw
the salvation of the Lord.
Even the King of Nineveh humbled
himself fasted and believed in God.
God repented and showed mercy to
all of Nineveh.
Boys and girls I'm the teacher
that is telling you about these things today.
God wants us to warn both young
and old. Just as he wanted
Jonah to warn the people of
In the story of Jonah, God
mentions the children of Niniveh.
God thinks of children. God
cares for children. He wanted Jonah to remember the children of Nineveh.
Why do we need to warn people
today? People need to know that hell is waiting for every soul
that refuses Christ. Those who refuse his love, and who refuse his Word.
God wants us to warn people just
as Jonah was sent, we are sent.
We are sent to tell of God's mercy
and forgiveness. We are to warn people that there is hell to escape
and the only way to escape is putting our trust in Christ for salvation.
God saved Jonah’s life through the whale. God saves us through Jesus
Christ his only begotten Son.
God gave Nineveh forty days.
Pray for our country that we do not turn our backs on God. My fear
is that God will see the sins of America rise up to the heavens, just like
Nineveh. Woe to the nation that forgets and rejects God.
Boys and girls, you can call to
God in prayer today and ask forgiveness for your sins. God's will is that
you turn from bad behavior and bad attitudes. Jesus came to die for our
sins. He took our sins upon himself and took our punishment. Jesus
died and was in hell three days and three nights (in the heart of the earth).
just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. He
took our punishment - He was literally in hell. Why did He do that?
Because he loves you and me. He loves people. God made a way
through Jesus to be saved from our sins and the hell to come. Jesus took
our place. He arose from the dead and
proved He is victorious over death and hell.
God showed mercy to Nineveh
because they believed and feared the Lord God. God gave mercy because they
repented of their wrong behavior and their violence.
Matthew 12:40
For as Jonas was three days and
three nights in the whale's belly; so, shall the Son of man be three days and
three nights in the heart of the earth. (hell)
Father God, we pray for each child
here, we pray if there is one here that does not know you as their Saviour, that
you will speak to his or her heart today.
Help them to understand your Word.
Help them understand your will for their lives. Help them understand that there is a heaven
and that there is a hell. Help them
understand that this lesson about your mercy for all those who will believe
upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray this in the name of our
Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Teach the class the word "repent"-
Review Questions:
1.How many days did God
give Nineveh to repent?
2.What does repent mean
if it is God, repenting?
3.What does it mean if
we repent?
4.Does God want us to
repent of wrongdoing?
5. What did Nineveh do
when Jonah preached?
(They believed
6. Did Jonah want God to
show mercy to Nineveh?
7. What did Jonah find
that made Him so happy?
8. Why did Jonah not
care for Niniveh? They were mean to Jonah's people the Hebrews.
9. Who believed
and fasted when Jonah preached?
10. What is fasting?
11. The king took off
his robe and took off his what?
12. When Jesus died he was
In the heart of the earth for how long?
Play the same games you
played last time
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