
Friday, April 23, 2021

From Childhood To Slavery

From Childhood to Slavery

Let’s go back into Joseph’s life as a child.  Joseph was a teenager when his baby brother was born   His mother died but everything Joseph learned from his mother would not be forgotten.  Joseph was taught a number of things. This was made evident when He was in bondage.  Joseph was the only  sibling that lost his mother.  None of the other women in Jacob’s life could ever replace Joseph’s mom.
Joseph was given extra love and attention.  A grieving teen needs special attention.  Joseph was taught the bible by both his mother and his father.  They taught Joseph to love God and they taught Joseph how to obey and respect.  There’s not one bad thing ever said in scripture about Joseph.  Joseph was sold into slavery and had to adapt to his life in Egypt.  

Joseph was very trustworthy, he was a hard worker, and he cared about people, he feared God. He respected those over him. He kept a good spirit about himself.  He was a great follower and because of that, he became a good leader.  Joseph was trusted because of his character.  Which was also seen through how he spoke to people.  Joseph was mistreated growing up by his brothers and through those problems, he had to learn to respond to them.  I believe Joseph’s mother and father taught him how to rise above his situation.  When I think of Joseph as a child that lost his mother.  I think of the poor injured lamb in the care of the shepherd.  Only it wasn’t a leg injury. It was a heart injury.  He needed extra special attention.  All the other sheep were okay.  

The day Joseph was taken into bonds and was herded off to Egypt with other slaves was the day Joseph grasped with all his heart everything he was ever taught.  Everything he was taught by his mother, everything ever taught to him by his father, and every bible scripture he ever read.  Prayer was more important than ever.  Prayers mingled in sweat and tears on a hard dry desert journey.  Joseph knew the life of a slave and the horrors of slavery.  

Susan Nikitenko
April 22, 2021 ©

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