
Monday, December 20, 2021

The Light Of The World

The Light Of The World


I was thinking today What does the Light of the World mean?  We know it is not the Sun that rises in the morning.  We know it is not the stars or the moon.  We have lamps and lights along the roadsides and outside of our homes but they are not the light that God is talking about.  We could be standing outside amidst the beautiful sparkling lights of Christmas time on a snowy glimmering night and still be in darkness.  

 But on the other hand, if we were out upon a lonely deep blue sea without one flicker of light on the darkest time of night, if a storm was raging but there was no light to lead us, what would be our fate?  That's why they built lighthouses and put lights out along the edges of the waters.  They put them there to help us make it back where we need to be.   When God talks about the light of the World it’s not all the lights we see here.  Many times, people will use the lighthouse to illustrate, that God sent a light to save us from perishing.  Perishing is another word for near-death, dying, or in danger of dying in their sins. Without God, we are like the storm-tossed ship out on a lonely dark night with no hope.  People who give you the truth of God’s Word are like lighthouses that lead people to salvation.  Just as a storm-tossed vessel, that needs to find it’s way back or otherwise they would perish in the sea.

 A couple years ago our family went pontooning for our vacation.  We stayed out later than we should have.  We realized we didn’t have a light to lead us back to the dock.  We did not have enough light to safely find where to dock.  Our daughter and our grandchildren stayed at the house while we were gone.  So, our daughter came out with her cellphone all lit up.  Our daughter stood there with the light until we made it safely to our dock.  Once again, this story pictures what we as Christians are to do, when people cannot find their way.  They can not find the Way unless we shine the light.  Thank goodness our daughter was thoughtful enough to come out with a light for us.  We could see that little light shine and we found our way back.

 Christmas is a tool that has led people to the true light of Christmas.  The Light of the World.  Without Jesus, we are in darkness.  But when we believe, with all our heart - the day-star arises in our heart.  The only way we can know that light is when Jesus puts it there.

 Jesus is the light that shineth in the darkness and seeks to save those who are lost.

 "Come to the light tis shining for thee."   Merry Christmas 

Susan Y Nikitenko

December 20, 2021©

The Light Of The World


Luke 19:10

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Sing The " The Light Of The World Is Jesus"

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