
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Keeping Our Hearts Clean - Psalms 119:9 Memory Verse

Read Once or Twice

Remember the words.?

Remember these words?

Remember these words?

............ Say The Verse

Object Lesson
Keeping Our Hearts Clean

*Objects: Toothbrush and toothpaste

                Washcloth and Soap


                 A feather duster or Pledge

                 Scrub pad

Picture of Laundry Detergent


Cool Box or Chest

Keeping Our Hearts Clean - Psalms 119:9 Memory Verse

 Most of the snow is melted away, but the ground is really wet.  You know what that means don’t you. “Mud”.  It’s hard to keep your shoes clean and it sometimes can get tracked in your house – if you do not wipe your feet or take them off.  We need to wash our shoes off if they get muddy.

How many of you have a dog?  What if he gets out in the mud?  So you have to clean the dog off before he comes back into the house.   If you don’t he could make your house really dirty.

We have to wash our hands every day.  Cleansing our hands keeps germs from spreading.  We need to wash our hands if they get dirty.

We need to take a bath with water, soap, and a washcloth to keep ourselves clean and healthy. We need to wash up if we are not clean.

We need to wash our clothes so that we can have clean fresh smelling clothes to wear.

We have to cleanse our teeth by brushing them, So our breath won’t stink and so we will not get a cavity.  Flossing is important too, so cavities do not happen between your teeth. 

We need to keep our house clean. We need to wash our dishes.  We need to keep our cars clean.

These are good rules for us to stay happy and healthy.


I brought some things to help us think about our topic today.

Ask one of the children to choose something from the box.

Talk about each item in the box as they take turns choosing something

from the box.


This is the last thing in the box. -  The Bible helps us keep clean

Let's Remember this little Rhyme.

This is our poem for today.  Ha Ha

Read It and Heed It.  Read It and Heed It.

Let’s read our bible verse together. It is a verse about being clean.

Psalms 119: Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

If time allows, go through and verbally fill in the blanks of each page.   

Our bible verse today talks about being clean.  Every Christian can apply this verse to their life.  

We need to keep our hearts and lives clean so that our relationship with God and others is not hindered. 

How do we keep our hearts and lives clean as Christians?  I'm not talking about the physical part of ourselves but our hearts and minds.  What we choose to do each day.  Like what we watch on television, what kind of music we listen to or what we read and don't read.  What we talk about with other people or what we hear people say.  What activities we choose to do or people we choose to hang around with.  These things all determine what we allow into our hearts and lives. 

 Are we made clean by the good things we do?  If we do not have Christ as Our Saviour our good works are of our own doing.  Yes, they seem very good to us as we look at the person doing good things, but God will only accept works of goodness if we are in Christ.  We are made clean and acceptable to God by accepting Christ as our Saviour.  If others do not accept our good works as children of God, God will accept them because our heart is willing and He is our motive. 

According to the bible, Without Christ, all people are sinners and all people need salvation.  Without Christ, our righteousness is as filthy rags to God.  That's why Christ came to this earth to save us from our sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness. Only one life soon past only what's done for Christ will last.

First of all for anyone to be clean in God’s sight, they must accept Christ as their personal Saviour.  Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin.  Why do we need to be saved from our sin?  Because God will not accept anyone who remains in his sin.  That means God will not allow anyone into heaven that has not been washed from their sin.  God made a way for us to be clean in his sight and forgiven of all our sins.  When we believe upon Christ as our Savoiur, believe that he died on the cross for our sins and that He rose from the dead.  The bible teaches us that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.  We become a child of God.  The bible calls it born again.  When we choose Christ, we should also choose to live for Christ.  Be a doer of the Word and your life will remain clean before God.  Read it and Heed it. 

What are some things we Need To Heed?

Be faithful to go to church.

Be faithful in prayer.

Be faithful in learning your bible.

Choose good friends.

Fellowship with believers.

Confess daily sins to God.

Be courteous.

Think good thoughts.

What are some things we need to weed?

Help me make a list.





This song is not just for children but for all Christians.

Let's sing the song, "O Be Careful Little Eyes."

God has given to us his Word to instruct us in righteousness.   

Psalms 119:11 ¶    

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Dear Father In Heaven, We know Lord, we are nothing without you.  We pray that when we do good works it will be in you and because of you.  We pray that you will open other people's eyes to what being saved in Christ means.  We know that there are a lot of people in this world that need to be saved from something.  However, dying without Christ is the greatest danger in this world.  There are many scary things going on around us, but you are our help in times of trouble.  You are the Rock of our salvation.
You are active in our lives.  I pray that people will accept Christ Jesus as their Saviour Today.
In Jesus's name, we pray this Amen.

We keep these in prayer today.
Please keep the country Ukraine in your prayers, they probably do not have the resources they need.

Pray also that God will bring judgment upon Putin. 

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