
Sunday, April 3, 2022

Johnny Apple Seed Game

Johnny Apple Seed  Game
( You Reap What You Sow)

I chose this coloring page because it has really big apples.  As we know Johnny Apple Seed planted seeds and those seeds turned into Apple Trees.  I'm using this for the review game. You can do this in a number of ways.  Tape the coloring page upon a board like it is or Make it BIG for older children.

Prepare These Things Ahead Of Time

1. You can let them put a sticker upon the apple for every right answer. for small children or

Divide into Teams:
One team is Golden Delicious  GD
One team is Granny Smith  GS
If you have a third team - Red Delicious  RD

2. You could put points and prizes onto individual pieces of paper and stick them 
face down onto each apple.  Take turns while asking questions.   When the correct answer is given by one of the players he/she gets to uncover an apple to reveal the points earned.  Hide a rotten apple
on one slip - lose 100 pts. If they get a rotten apple they lose the points just for that turn.  Hide a dove on one of the slips extra 100 points

 If you have more than 12 review questions.  Stack twelve
slips with differing points.  Have them draw out a slip to reveal their points.  Ask the question.
They only earn the points by getting the right answer.  Put another rotten apple in the stack and another dove. 

Every time a team gets the right answer they put their initials into an apple.  If Golden Delicious 
Scores - GD is what they will write into one of the apples and so on.

The overall winner will be the team with the most apples marked.

 Only do prizes if you can afford them.  You can make ribbons or give them stickers for participation.

Susan Nikitenko  April 3rd, 2022 

Pin the Apple Onto the Tree

Johnny Apple Seed Coloring Pages

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