
Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Gift Of Christmas

The Gift of Christmas

This past week I asked God to give me something to say to teach. my grandchildren.  I opened my bible and immediately felt blessed.  God answered me quickly.  So, we are here today to speak of God's Gift to us for Christmas. 

Some people will have many gifts under the tree and some may not even have one but we know that every good thing we own whether big or small was and is ultimately from God.  We always have a reason to praise him. 

I brought this little gift today.  It is small.  It doesn’t seem like much.  You probably would like to know what’s inside of it. Would you like to guess?  (discussion).  It’s a diamond ring, this diamond was found in the earth and became a diamond over a very long time. This diamond was turned into a ring. This diamond is a perfect diamond one of a kind.  This diamond was a gift of love.

There is another diamond a diamond of much greater worth. He too was and is one of a kind, In the form of a baby. He was a gift that seemed small but it was the most valuable gift ever given. His name is Jesus, He was not just any baby.  He was God in human flesh.  He was introduced to the world by angels. Worshiped by shepherds that had no Royal blood.

 He was born unto a lowly people though he was royalty he was humble and meek.  He was and is perfect. He came to bring us eternal life.  God sent kings from afar who followed the star.  They bowed and worshiped Him, As the King of kings.

James 1:17 and 18

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.  Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.

The gift of Jesus and eternal life are as one.  Grandma Debbie was a Christian.  She died and went to heaven but she’s not dead she is alive.  We will see her again because of Jesus.  Grandma Debbie had Jesus in her heart.  We are not to grieve as though we have no hope. We will see her again and she will know you as you are known right now.  Our bodies may die but our soul lives forever.  When we know Jesus as our Savoiur there is no end to you. When you are a Christian, you never die

That is why God sent Jesus, the gift of Christmas. 

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

When you become born again into the family of God, He counts you as his Son or Daughter.  You become born into his family., Just as Jesus was born unto us. He begat us, which means we came from his loins, we are ligament.

When we trust. Christ as Saviour we have the promise of heaven eternal.  He has come to seek and to save the lost and to offer Salvation to all.  The soul lives forever whether you go to heaven or to hell. Both places are forever. It is final.  God has offered you a gift, please do not refuse it.

A baby seems to be a small gift because babies are small but we’ve learned in life that big things come in small packages.

God gave us a gift that will live forever in the hearts of those who receive it. We need to be grateful for it, I’m just honored to know that God would think of little me or little us.  I’m not talking about my stature or my occupation. We are all tiny compared to God Almighty, God of Creation, for we deserve nothing.  But God loved us and had compassion for us.  Some people feel so big and powerful in comparison to the poor. However, God is sinless and his love is deep.  His love is gentle and kind.  He is selfless and merciful. He is trustworthy and his love has no shadow of turning.  He knows we are helpless on our own without Him.  His compassion moved Him, for we were all lost. Throughout all of history till now all lost. His Son was the solution. The only way.  A perfect gift had to be given.  God’s will was and is to save us and to make us his children. Those who accept the gift of his grace will be saved. Not just a temporary gift but an everlasting gift.  The gift of Salvation was to send His Son, His most precious Son.  This gift never grows old and it is the be offered to all, including you.

Christmas is fun and joyous because God loves us so much and gave us each other.  He gives us hope.

His giving has never stopped.  Thank You, Father, God For You and our Family.  I can just hear Grandma Debbie right now

Merry Christmas I’ll see you in heaven.  Be Good Choose What’s Right.  I Love You.  I hope you have a great day.

Susan Y Nikitenko

December 22, 2024©

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