Here: Prayer For The Saints
Here: Shield Of Faith
Here: Girt With Truth
Here: Gospel Of Peace
Here: Helmet Of Salvation
Here: Sword Of the Spirit
Here:Bible Meditation, Prayer and Thanksgiving
Anything I write is G rated. Once in a while PG rated. Christian writing from infant to teen. Parent and teacher tools to teach the bible at home and at church.
the love
of God towards us. It teaches us about God's forgiveness and how we should forgive others.
There was a father who had two sons. We do not know what their names were, so we will call the older one, Jim, and the younger one Joe. Jim wanted to please his father and happily went about doing what was expected of him, but Joe was not happy with his life. He became more and more discontented until he went to his father. He told his father he was going to leave and that he wanted his inheritance now.
How do you think Joe's brother Jim felt about him leaving?
Jesus grew to be a man and fulfilled God’s plan. He died upon Calvary’s cross.
In the power of love, He defeated all hell, and forgiveness prevailed.
For all who believe, for all who receive, with gladness through faith.
Will know the power of His forgiveness and that God’s love never fails.
Susan Y Nikitenko
...there is joy in the presenceof the angels of God overone sinner that repenteth.
This Photo
by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Forgive one
one another.
Sisters and
one - another.
wants us … to love.
Love one
Love one
This is
the law - of God’s love.
This is
the law - of God’s love.
Jesus forgives ----will you?
Jesus forgives ----will you?
should forgive.
Yes, we
should forgive,
friends and our neighbors.
Our moms
and our dads.
and –be glad
Rejoice and
be glad.
and be glad.
is - of the Lord.
Our God heals
– our wounds.
gives us peace.
Yes, God
gives us peace.
Under his wings of - perfect love.
He has --- forgiven us.
He has --- forgiven us.
Jesus forgives ----will you?
Jesus forgives ----will you.?
We should forgive.
Yes, we should forgive,
Our friends and our neighbors.
Our moms and our dads.
Rejoice and be glad.
Rejoice and be glad.
Forgiveness is - of the Lord.
is - of the Lord.
Susan Y
19, 2020
Children's Song
I'm willing to make a fool out of myself for Jesus
I never claimed to be a good singer. I do come up with a tune .
If you can play by ear you most likely will be able to sing it better than I do.
I will humble myself enough to prove that this can be a sung.
For Older Children
God’s Love Never Fails
For it
was his voice that spoke all things into reality.
When I
think of the power of God, I think of His great will.
He willed
it, all of this world, the sky, the sea, and you and me.
The heavens,
the sun, the winds, the stars, and galaxies afar.
In the moment He spoke, no joke, all that we see it came to be.
It is a
powerful love from our powerful God, to think of people like us.
It is a
powerful love from our God above, who gave His life for you and me.
When I think
of the power of God, I think of the power of His forgiveness.
In his
power, He became a tiny babe within the womb of life.
He was
born to a virgin, a miracle, Jesus Christ, Our God, came down to us.
great power, what great love, His forgiveness, His sacrifice.
grew to be a man and fulfilled God’s plan.
He died upon Calvary’s cross.
In the
power of love, He defeated all hell, and forgiveness prevailed.
For all
who believe, for all who receive, with gladness through faith.
know the power of His forgiveness and that God’s love never fails.
Susan Y
19th 2020
God’s love and compassion never fails……
Lamentations 3:22
It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Luke 15: 10 - 32
Toddlers are a joy to teach but somedays it becomes stressful. Expessailly if they are having a bad day. Teaching toddlers can be a difficult task because they have a short attention span. If you get one idea into their brain, you're doing good. Moving quickly from one activity to another helps keep their attention. If they come in tired, unrested or hungry, it’s harder to teach them. I try to keep things as positive as possible.
Review question games are essential in there learning. They love stickers as a reward or a small prize. Snacks are important because if one of them gets hungry they may cry the whole time.
Following a Schedule keeps the class moving along.
Some of the children will do better than others. You’ll have some children who are being mean, fighting over toys, or looking how to get into anything else other than what you want them to. Then you may have one who is constantly wanting his mommy or daddy. There Is never a dull moment with them. They keep you and your helpers busy the whole time. The room may look like a tornado hit it after it’s all over.
Teach as these things happen, the whole class learns when you correct the child who's being mean or the one who's getting into things. Teach cooperation and obedience.
Clean up time can be fun if you plan ahead, but if the church service takes longer to dismiss you may be cleaning up after class.
1. Why was Jesus on the ship?
2. What happened when they were out in the sea?
3. Fill in the blank - God knows about __________.
4. Did Jesus use a microphone when He spoke to a huge crowd?
5. Is God greater and more powerful than superheroes?
6. In our Bible story what obeyed Jesus?
7. God made all _________.
8. Great is our Lord and of great ____________.
9. Name one song that we sang today.
10. Name one thing that was in the incubator. (egg hatching, chicks, lightbulb)
>God shows himself powerful through love and sacrifice.
Salvation and through our actions of love
through him. The Good Samaritan,
>God shows himself powerful through his mercy. Forgiveness – Joseph
>God shows himself powerful through his wrath, Moses, Egypt,
Jonah, Sin
>God shows himself powerful through creation. Weather, The talking donkey – Like the ant or
the spider
>God shows himself powerful through answered prayer. Elijah – Daniel.
>God shows himself powerful throughout our lives. As we trust him…through the Blood
>God shows himself powerful through our circumstances. The storm, problems
>God shows Himself powerful through his Word. The Christmas Story
Susan Nikitenko Toddlers to age adaptable.