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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Good Works Of God

    God chose to make the world and all that is in it in six  days.  If God wanted to He could create something new,  I do know that there are new discoveries of amazing things that are waiting yet to be discovered.
Perhaps it will be a cure for cancer or some other cure.
    On the first day of creation God made day and night.  God divided the light from the darkness.   God made heaven on the second day.  It didn't take God a thousand years to finish one day. It was a morning and an evening that made up the first day, just as we have morning and evening today.

 By reading the first chapter of the Bible you can learn of all that God created in six days.
Read  (Genesis 1.)

On each day God would look at what He had done and he looked at it knowing it was good.  The very last day of creation God looked at all His creation upon completion and He knew it was very good.  When God thinks something is good it is far better than we can ever imagine.  Perfect in it's completion. A beautiful new world.
  We know that God would not do a job halfway but He would complete whatever it is He does. The bible teaches us that God finishes what He starts.  We know however that God does change based upon our obedience and our disobedience.  We notice this with Adam and Eve.   They disobeyed and God's plans changed for them.  The same way today God deals with us based on our obedience and our disobedience to His Word. He chastens ( He will spank us) because we are His children and he wants us to continue in His good works of faith.  God finishes the work in us when we trust Christ as Saviour.  He works in our hearts as we follow Him and trust His Word for our daily lives.

  Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: {perform: or, finish}

 Revelations 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rare Flowers

This poem is about what happens on the inside
 when someone finds salvation in Christ Jesus.
Creation/ Salvation

Rare Flowers

By: Susan Y Nikitenko
Revised July 8th, 2010©

If I found beautiful rare flowers;
I’d share this beauty with you.
In hopes that you would receive it;
And enjoy its fine beauty too.

God is the God of miracles;
This saying, though old, is true.
From the gleaming sun of creation;
To the loveliest orchid of blue.

From whispering winds of refreshment;
To showering splashes of streams.
From beautiful fields of flowers;
Colorful rainbows, bright stars, and dreams.

Each an amazing miracle;
Bringing faith to a doubting heart.
God’s hand has created great fountains;
In dry cold desert places of dark.

On dead soil, a desert lay waste;
Until the hand of God intervenes.
The miracle hand of God’s grace;
Sprouts flowers in places not seen.

I have found beautiful rare flowers;
Not known to the natural man.
Found in the places of God’s touch.
Flowers of faith, I hold in my clutch.

I will not keep this treasure to self;
But cast their beauty to the wind.
And ask the Lord to direct their flow.
Empty deserts, may you bloom and grow.

And as the Lord looked upon the deep;
A lifeless flow without form or void.
Transformed the dead, to light and life;
Filled with flowers, now so enjoyed.

I know a heart can be flowerless;
Dead and dark, in coldness and despair.
But the God of miracles and love;
Transforms, and makes alive, He cares.

Replaces the stones of deadness,
Replaces the spaces of dread,
With New Life, and fountains of His Joy;
He raises a soul from the dead.

Please take the flowers of kindness.
Please receive the flower of Grace.
Jesus died and arose in power.
Your heart can be transformed this hour.

May your heart bloom and shine in His grace;
When you see His gift of love so true.
Let the flower of faith bring life to you.
His great Salvation, will make you new.

 Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you,
and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away
the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give
you an heart of flesh.

 2Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
 old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new.

(I changed flower to orchid 2022)

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John 1:12 Memory Verses

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Light And Life Word Search

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Light and Life - Lesson 4

Light and Life
Creation and The New Birth
 At the creation of the world, God moved upon the face of the deep.  The earth had no form or void.  It was desolate.  It was dead and in complete darkness.   There was  no birds, no flowers, no land to dwell upon, no human life, no life at all, just darkness upon the face of the deep.  It sounds as though it was just one big ball of water, because God calls it the deep.  Just imagine a place of complete darkness with no life. Out of silence rings forth a booming voice of power.   "Let there be light!" 
Without light nothing can live, nothing can grow.  Light is vital for a living world.  When God said, "Let there be light!", there was light.  God spoke and it existed that moment.  God, soon after, separated the waters from the dry land.  All could be seen, for the light shined in the darkness.  A desert place without life, only dry ground.  God spoke at once all greenery, trees and flowering plants spread across the dry land.  Making the most beautiful place, a place never seen by human eyes until the forming of Adam from the dust of the ground.  He awoke to the most striking view of beauty ever known to the human eye, a fresh new world full of light and life full of amazing things of all kinds to discover.   

Throughout scripture we are given stories and examples of how God deals in the heart of man.  The creation of the world is another way to describe the condition of a person's heart towards God without Him.  The earth would have never known light had God not said let there be light.  The earth would not ever had known life had God not spoke it into existence. 
God could of just said, there is no way this earth could ever be anything special.  He could have said " why bother,  this place is worthless," but he didn't.  He worked countless numbers of miracles upon one dead lifeless form.  

God mentions light and life throughout scripture especially in talking about the heart of man.  It tells us that Jesus is the light and the life.  As light brings life to the earth,  Jesus is the light that brings life to the heart.  The bible teaches us that without Christ we are dead while we live and we walk in darkness.  Our heart is compared to a desert land that has no life and needs salvation.  That's why we say people without Christ need saved. 

Adam and Eves disobedience, eating of the forbidden fruit , brought death upon the whole human race.  The biblical account of Adam and Eve is a perfect example why it is important to obey God.  God blesses those that obey Him.  We miss out on blessings and instead have to eat the fruit of our sins, when we disobey Him.  Adam and Eve had to leave the that garden God had made them and would know a life that included suffering and death.  There are consequences for our rebellion towards God.  Their sin didn't just hurt themselves but their children and all of mankind.

God warned Adam and Eve ahead of time what would happen, but they chose to believe a lie rather that the Word of God.  This happens today by false teachers teaching false teachings that confuse people into believing a lie, rather than God's Holy Word.  People who do not believe God and the true teaching of Christ, are in darkness are dead while they live.

The bible tells us that Jesus is the light of the world.  In John Chapter one talks about Jesus being light.  The chapter starts out in the same words as Genesis 1: 1 " In The Beginning was".   John 1:1 speaks about the Light , Jesus that shine in the hearts of men.  God's desire is that all people come to repentance and faith in what Christ did at the cross.  He paid the price for you and me.  When we believe and trust Him as our personal Saviour.  Then is when the light of God arises in our heart and we become alive to God,  just as the earth was brought to life at God's speaking. 

Jesus and what He did at Calvary made it possible for people to be saved from the punishment of hell eternal.  Upon belief and the receiving Christ.  The blood He shed then becomes a permanent covering for our sins.  God leaves that decision up to you. 

Father God, If there is anyone here today that would like to know Christ as their Saviour, I pray they will desire to know you and trust you as their own personal Saviour and friend.  I pray they will understand the teaching of John 1:1.  I pray they will come alive to you in the name of Christ and His precious shed blood.   The Word of God is the power of God unto Salvation.  Believe His Word, He loves you and wants you to became saved today.

Genesis 1:1 - The creation of the earth
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
 The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. {comprehended: or, did not admit, or, receive}
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Possible Hymn To Sing:
The Light Of The World

Lesson 1 - The Missing Piece

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

God Made

God  Made
God made the world and the stars up above;
All things He made, He made them from love.
God made the planets, far, far, far away;
But somehow we know, love made them that way.

God made the rivers to flow from the hills;
He made colorful fish, and schools of bluegill.
Goldfish and bass, trout, perch and crappy. 
Love's masterpieces in rivers and seas.

God made each plant to bear it's own seed;
Each vegetable, fruit to supply our need.
With love He took thought in how it would taste;
It had to be love, with which we are graced.

When spring brings it's blooming trees of sweetness;
When winter fades and flowers come to greet us.
When birds build nests ,  we see the tiny birds.
With songs and sounds they speak, but not with words.

Love took the time to give just the right song;
Love placed them within the tree they belong.
Love gave them strong wings, to master in flight;
Each bird formed with care, whether brown or bright.

God made the sun to shine from waters blue;
A rainbow to bless upon a morning new.
The shell to hold upon a child's small ear;
And the smile, that brings our heart some cheer.

It had to be love, that made us a smile;
 To think any other would be denial.
Just as He has formed the child anew;
What masterful things  God's love has hewn.

To know the child has a tiny heartbeat;
Tiny hands, tiny toes on tiny feet.
That can be seen upon a mothers tum;
While she, with love awaits with whispers hum.

God has made a place of jewels and gold;
Where no one will ever die or grow old.
Love took the time to prepare us a place.
It surely is love, with which we are graced.

Yes God has shown His love, His love so grand;
Through pleasures good, through creations plan.
But greater still the love that paid the price;
When God gave Himself, to be sin's sacrifice.

In love He took our nails, He took our shame:
In love He took our guilt, He took the blame.
What  joyful blessings, God's love has given;
God made a  way, for us to be forgiven.

Susan Y Nikitenko
Anytime? Song
January 15th, 2015

John 1:3

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Genesis 22:8

 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

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Genesis: Memory Verses For Pocket Chart

Memory Verse Pocket Chart

Cut The Verses Into Individual Words Or Small Grouping
And Put Them Into The Memory Verse Pocket Chart.
Remove Them One By One And Repeat The Verse Together.
Store Your Verses In Envelopes With The Verses Marked On The Front.
File Them Away With Your Lessons.

Pocket Chart Here:

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Puzzle Search On Adam And Eve

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Missing Receipt - Answered Prayer

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Puzzle Search On Creation

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For Mixed Ages Underline The Portion You
Want Them To Memorize

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Missing Sons

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Genesis 4
The Missing Sons

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden.  They chose to believe a lie rather than believe the truth of God.  God told them ahead of time that there would be consequences if they did not follow His instructions.  In the picture I used in the prier lesson, it seems as though they are being looked at in a condemning way by the angels of God.  I believe God was saddened by what He had to do, the reason I feel that way is because, when parents have to correct their children, it causes the parent's pain too.  God himself, out of love, made clothing for them out of lambskins.  This was proof of God's continual love for them. 

Adam and Eve would soon after have their own children.  They taught them about God and how important it is to obey Him.  They told them of how they once lived in a beautiful garden and all about the creation of the world.  They were taught how to resist sin and to follow after God. They spent many years raising them.   They would discover that their children would sometimes not listen and they would correct them.  Perhaps they told them about the time they disobeyed God in the garden and what that disobedience cost them.  Loving parents, not perfect, but loving, told them about God.  They also taught them about the blood sacrifice.  God required a blood sacrifice of a young he lamb without spot for the temporary covering of their sin. They grew up practicing that yearly requirement. 

Their two sons, Cain and Able,  grew into men.   Time came for the yearly sacrifice.  Cain, the eldest,  decided He would offer to God, the fruit of the ground rather than a blood sacrifice required.  He wanted to honor God in His own way.  This was disobedience to the command of God, for a spotless he-lamb to be sacrificed.   Jealousy raged in Cain's heart as He witnessed His brothers offering being accepted before the Lord and His rejected.  Then was when He thought to kill His brother at the opportune time.  He hated Able because He was zealous in his obedience to the Lord and he, himself had fallen short.

Cain waited for he and his brother to be alone in the field and he killed Able with a deadly blow most likely to the head.  It was the first murder, the first shedding of human blood to hit the ground in world history.  He hid his brother's body maybe even buried it in the field.  Then soon after Cain heard the voice of God.  " Cain, where is your brother Able?"  Cain answered, "Am I my brother's keeper?"   He tried to act innocent before God, but God already knew what Cain had done.  God heard Able's blood cry from the ground.  God then cursed Cain that the earth would not yield a crop for him.  He would be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth.  He had to leave his home.

It had to be one of the saddest days in life for Adam and Eve, they had lost both Sons in one day.  Perhaps they just came up missing.  Maybe they stumbled upon their dead son's body.  I'm not sure Cain could have faced them to tell them what He had done.  This one thing I do know, there had to be many days of tears and sorrow over the loss of both of them.  Maybe they just came up missing and no one ever knew what happened until the writing of inspired scripture.

There is no yearly sacrifice required.  Why?  Because Jesus died for mankind on a cruel cross for our sins and we are no longer under the old law, but under Christ.  God offers forgiveness to all who will believe and trust Christ.  God blesses those who obey and follow Him and He chastises those who are contrary.
He chastens those He loves. 

But young people please remember that there are consequences for the choices we make in life. Everything we do affects somebody else good or bad.  There are millions of missing people in the world.
Who knows why, maybe it started with jealousy, guilt or just not wanting to follow the rules.  With Cain, it was different because He was a murderer.  There are some out there missing, realizing for the first time - that there's no place like home.  They wish they were back home but they forgot the way. 

Cain's rebellion turned to murdering His innocent brother.  We need to stay close to God in our hearts and our attitudes that we would not be taken over by hateful or evil emotions.  Christ is the strength in our hearts to overcome these things. 

Father God,
I pray in the name of Jesus your Son, that you will open the hearts of those listening today.
That they will understand your love and your forgiveness.  I pray you will help them know how to forgive their parents or whoever it is they are angry with.  I pray they would not be controlled by wrong thoughts and desires, but rather desire to please you with their lives.  I pray they will recognize the consequences of choosing to do wrongly.  I pray they will seek a right relationship with you.
I pray if they need salvation through Christ, that you would turn to you for salvation today. 
In Christ Name, Amen

Susan Nikitenko
May 2nd, 2017
Cain And Able Lesson

Genesis 4:3-5
And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.  And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

Titus 3:2-4
To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.
For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.
 But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

Follow Here: The Missing Peace

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Monday, May 1, 2017

The Missing Peace - Lesson 2

The Missing Peace

When God made the rules of the garden there was only one rule.  The only rule
was not to eat of the forbidden fruit.  They had everything to be completely satisfied in life.  The serpent beguiled them and tricked them into believing a lie.  When they disobeyed the only rule of the garden.  The peace that they felt with God was gone. It was missing from that very moment.

Fear was immediate in their hearts and lives.  They were afraid of the punishment of God upon them.  This was the first time they ever felt fear, for the first time they knew they were naked before God.   The serpent convinced them that they would be like God, knowing both good and  evil.  Instead, they became sinners, while God remained sinless.
They immediately became sinners in need of salvation.
Death entered this world, at the disobedience of Adam and Eve.  Sin is such a serious thing to God, that sin required a blood sacrifice unto the Lord.  It was the first time a young he lamb without spot was sacrificed for a temporary covering.  It was the first time blood had been shed.  

God cursed them in their disobedience,  they would know pain, sorrow and sadness for the rest of their lives.  They would have to work to eat and to live.   God made them leave the perfect garden He made for them.   He also told them they could no longer eat of the tree of life and God sent angels to  guard it.

Adam and Eve made then a yearly sacrifice and continued to have a relationship with the Lord but it was not the same.  They still had happy times but they would also live with unhappy times.
Without God, there is no true peace of heart.  The peace that Adam and Eve knew with God would never really be the same as it was in the garden God made for them.

Adam and Eve looked forward to redemption's promise, through faith and we look back at the cross for our redemption through faith.  When Christ was crucified, as the perfect lamb of God, without spot (meaning sinless).  He died one time for all, no other covering, no other death sacrifice was required.  He finished at the cross what needed to be done.

Mankind is still missing peace, until we find the hope and joy of salvation in Christ alone.  Without Christ we cannot know the peace of God or be at peace with God.

When we find the missing piece, which is Christ for salvation, is when we  find the missing peace..  The peace that rules our hearts because of Christ in us.  The blessing of peace abides with us when we remain faithful in prayer and right living as children of God.

Dear Father In Heaven,
Be with each one here today, I pray you will open their hearts and their minds to your truth.
I pray they will find the peace that passes all understanding.  The forgiveness of Christ and rest of soul, that comes by knowing you.  Hold back the powers of Satan in their lives and bring the miracle of faith into their lives.  May they believe and trust you today as the only way of salvation.  In Christ name, I pray this, Amen.

Upon this day, will you trust Christ as your Saviour and Hero of your life?

Susan Y Nikitenko
May 1st, 2017

 Genesis 3:11
 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

Roman 5:1  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Follow Here:  The Missing Sons

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