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Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patience. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Show Patience Word Search

Here are the definitions for each of the 20 words related to patience:

1. **Tolerant**: Willing to accept or endure someone else's beliefs or behavior without making                       judgments or becoming upset.
2. **Kind**: Showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
3. **Persistent**: Continuing to do something despite difficulties or opposition.
4. **Calm**: Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
5. **Resilient**: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
6. **Gentle**: Having a kind and tender temperament; not harsh or severe.
7. **Steadfast**: Firmly loyal and resolute; unwavering.
8. **Quiet**: Making little or no noise; free from disturbance.
9. **Unwavering**: Not changing or becoming weaker in one's purpose or determination.
10. **Steady**: Regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.
11. **Composed**: Having control over one's emotions; calm and serene.
12. **Peaceful**: Free from disturbance; tranquil.
13. **Unflappable**: Having or showing calmness in a crisis.
14. **Friendly**: Kind and pleasant; showing friendship.
15. **Loving**: Feeling or showing deep affection and care.
16. **Imperturbable**: Unable to be upset or excited; calm.
17. **Nice**: Pleasant, agreeable, and satisfactory.
18. **Forbearing**: Patient and restrained; able to endure hardship without complaint.
19. **Careful**: Making sure to avoid potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
20. **Easygoing**: Relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Melvin’s Story of Patience

Melvin’s Story of Patience

                                            *Dedicated With Love to: Anna and Ben*


   Once upon a time in a peaceful meadow, there lived a wise and slow-moving turtle named Melvin. Melvin was known for his gentle nature and endless patience. He had many friends in the meadow, including Rosie the Rabbit, Freddie the Frog, Benny the Bird, Hooty the Owl, and Amanda the Deer.


One sunny afternoon, Melvin and his friends decided to have a picnic by the river. Everyone was excited and eager to get there quickly, except for Melvin, who moved at his usual, slow pace.


"Come on, Melvin! Hurry up!" Rosie the Rabbit called out impatiently.


Freddie the Frog hopped over and said, "Yeah, Melvin! At this rate, we'll never get to the picnic spot."


Benny the Bird flew down and added, "Why do you always move so slowly, Melvin?"


Hooty the Owl, perched on a nearby tree, wisely chimed in, "Patience, my friends. Sometimes, taking our time can lead to the best results."


Amanda the Deer, nibbling on some flowers, looked up and said, "Hooty is right. We should enjoy the day and the beautiful flowers along the way."


Melvin smiled calmly and replied, "Thank you, Hooty and Amanda. Let's all be patient and appreciate each moment together."


The friends sighed but decided to listen to Hooty and Amanda and wait for Melvin. As they walked, they came across a beautiful flower patch. Rosie, Freddie, and Benny ran ahead, eager to explore, while Melvin took his time to admire each flower. Amanda couldn't resist munching on some of the flowers.


"Look at these flowers!" Melvin said. "Aren't they beautiful? We might have missed them if we rushed."


Rosie, Freddie, and Benny realized that Melvin, Hooty, and Amanda were right. They appreciated the flowers and picked a few to take to the picnic (with Amanda's approval, of course).


Finally, they arrived at the riverbank and set up their picnic. As they enjoyed their food, Benny noticed a turtle egg nearby.


"Oh no! This egg is all alone. What should we do?" Benny asked.


Hooty the Owl wisely responded, "We need to be patient and wait for the mother turtle to return. Rushing won't help."


As they were waiting, a large hawk spotted the egg from an oak tree and swooped down, trying to snatch it. The friends sprang into action, running with the egg in alarm to carry it to safety. The hawk didn't seem to give up easily, but they managed to protect the egg by hiding it under some bushes.


Just when they thought the danger had passed, the hawk made another attempt to grab the egg. Freddie the Frog started to panic. "We need to do something fast! This hawk won't give up!"


Hooty calmly said, "Stay calm, everyone. Let's keep the egg safe and trust that help will come."


Freddie, feeling anxious, prayed, "Dear God, please protect this turtle egg and bring the mother turtle here safely and soon. Amen."


They continued to wait patiently, keeping a close watch on the egg.


While they waited for the mother turtle to return, an amazing thing happened. Melvin checked on the egg and found something new: the cutest little baby turtle had hatched! "Awww, look! How sweet!" Melvin exclaimed.


Rosie, Freddie, Benny, Amanda, and Hooty all gathered around to see the baby turtle. "It's the cutest little baby turtle," Rosie said. "I wonder what Mama Turtle will name him?"


After a while, the mother turtle appeared, and she was grateful to see her baby safe and sound. "Thank you for watching over my egg," the mother turtle said. "Your patience and bravery have made all the difference."


With love and welcoming, she looked at the baby turtle and said, "I'll name him after you, Melvin. Meet little Melvy."


The friends all laughed with joy at the baby's new name, sharing delighted reactions and warm smiles.


The mother turtle then nuzzled her baby gently and said, "Welcome to the world, my sweet Melvy. You are a precious blessing, and I will always love you dearly."


Hooty then reminded everyone, "Patience truly pays off. Remember the scripture: 'But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.' (James 1:4)"


After the excitement, the friends decided to share their favorite ways to practice patience.


Rosie said, "I like to take deep breaths and count to ten when I'm feeling impatient."


Freddie added, "I hop around and sing a little tune to keep myself calm."


Benny chirped, "I remind myself to enjoy my surroundings and look for something interesting to observe."


Amanda smiled and said, "I munch on flowers and remind myself that good things take time."


Melvin nodded and said, "I take slow, steady steps and enjoy the day."


Rosie, Freddie, Benny, and Amanda smiled and realized the importance of patience. They enjoyed the rest of their picnic, knowing that sometimes, taking things slow can lead to wonderful experiences and valuable lessons.


From that day on, Melvin's friends appreciated his slow and steady nature, and they often turned to Hooty for wise advice. Amanda continued to enjoy munching on flowers while reminding her friends to take their time and appreciate the little things.


"Just be sure to leave some flowers for the rest of us, Amanda!" Freddie joked. "You're pigging out on flower salad!"


They all laughed and learned that patience is a virtue and that good things come to those who wait.



 Scripture References:

- "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:4)

- "The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." (Ecclesiastes 7:8)

- "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." (Psalms 37:7)


**Bible Story Parallel:**

The story of Job (Book of Job) is a powerful example of patience and faith. Job endured immense suffering and loss, yet he remained patient and faithful to God. In the end, Job's patience was rewarded, and God restored his fortunes, giving him twice as much as he had before. This story beautifully illustrates the importance of patience and trusting in God's plan.

 Review Questions

1. What is the name of the wise and slow-moving turtle in the story?

2. Who are Melvin's friends in the meadow?

3. Why were Melvin and his friends excited one sunny afternoon?

4. Why did Rosie the Rabbit, Freddie the Frog, and Benny the Bird feel impatient?

5. What advice did Hooty the Owl give to the friends?

6. What did Amanda the Deer enjoy nibbling on during their walk?

7. How did the friends react when they came across the beautiful flower patch?

8. What did the friends find near the riverbank during their picnic?

9. How did the friends protect the turtle egg from the hawk?

10. What did Freddie the Frog do when he started to panic about the hawk?

11. How did Hooty calm everyone down during the hawk's second attempt?

12. What prayer did Freddie the Frog say?

13. What amazing thing happened while the friends waited for the mother turtle to return?

14. What name did the mother turtle give to her baby, and why?

15. How did the friends react to the baby's new name?

16. What words of endearment did the mother turtle say to her baby?

17. What scripture did Hooty remind everyone of after the danger was over?

18. What favorite ways to practice patience did Rosie share?

19. How did Freddie practice patience?

20. What important lesson did Melvin's friends learn by the end of the story?


Susan Nikitenko February 12, 2025©

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Langly Bear Loses His Cool (Puppet Show)

I can not put this on audio right now- I have a horrible cold.

Langly Bear Loses His Cool
Being Patient

Guess what everyone, something's wrong with Langly! 
Who knows what it is?  He's been out kickin' at stumps all day long!
Something's going on and Hooty the Owl is determined to find out what's wrong with his friend.

Hooty:  Hey Langly! Langly!  When you get tired of kickin' at stumps, come on over here and let's talk a bit.  What's wrong with you anyway?
Your toe already looks twice its size!  Give it a break why don't ya!
Better cut it out before you really do break it!  If ya know what I mean!
Hey Langly!  You're a grump quit kickin' stumps!  Ha Ha Ha!  Toe funny I had to laugh.

Langly: Are you having your laugh at my expense?  I've been toeing the line here and you're just sitting at the shop having a good hearty laugh.
Glad I can make you feel so good, while I'm walking around with a ball on the end of my foot. 

Hooty:  Whooo, look at the bright side Langly, you could have had put your nose too close to the grindstone.   Then your nose would be too big to look past.  Which is better? big toe or big nose?  Ha Ha Ha

Langly: That's easy for you to say... For somebody so nosey! You don't even have a nose!  Quit peckin' on me! .. Quit peckin' on me! Am I your personal peckin' post or what?

Hooty:  Okay! Langly, I've got one thing to say to you. 

Langly: What? Hurry Up! What?

Hooty: You've lost your cool. 

Langly: Whaaaat?

Hooty:  Whooo.. Whooo... lost his cool? - you did. you did.
What are you mad at?

Langly: I'm tired of being tired!  I'm tired of diggin' for grubs!  When Papa bear gets home He wants grub on the table.  Guess who gets the grub diggin' job?  Me, myself and I.  Mama bear has put down the law!
"No fun till the job is done!"  Now my toe hurts and I'm tired.  I'm too tired to have any fun, besides my bucket's not full yet.  No time to climb trees, collect berries, look for honey or go fishing! That's no life, who wants to look at grubs all day?

Hooty: Well Langly, look at the bright side.  You still have one good toe left.  You'll get some of that grub to eat at dinner time too.

Langly: Very funny!  Hooty. 

Hooty: Okay Langly,  let's pray about it?  When you've lost your cool you've lost your patience. 

Langly: Okay, let's pray that God helps me find it fast.  pray for my toe too.  I've got a lot more grub diggin' to do.  

Hooty: Father in heaven, help us to be patient with each other and with whatever the day brings.  Help us through our problems and help us rejoice in you. In Christ name. amen

Hooty:  We all lose our cool sometimes Langly.  That's when we need to
apologize and ask God to help us stay patient when things get hard.

Langly: Your right Hooty, besides, grubs are sounding pretty good right now.  I'm hungry for some grub!  With lots of berry butter on it.

Hooty: Whooo ever thought? Get a little hungry and things get better fast.

Narration: Looks like Langly's learning how to be patient.  We all have to learn patience and need to ask God to help us have good attitudes.  We all have things we would rather be doing, but obeying God and taking care of each other is the most important job we have. 

Continue talking about prayer and choices.

Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Written By: Susan Y Nikitenko

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Kind Of Apples - updated

What Kind Of Apples

If you were a tree;
of apples so bold;
What kind of apples;
would your tree limbs hold?

Would they be bitter;
Or would they be sweet?
Would your apples provide;
A nutritious treat?

Apples of goodness;
Filled with God's mercy?
Apples of pardon;
Grace for the thirsty?

In Jesus our tree;
Can bare joy divine.
Through trouble and trial;
Our Jesus would shine.

Apples of patience;
Longsuffering too.
What kind of apples;
Are falling from you?

Crab apples are green;
And bitter to eat.
Some apples are rotten;
and lay at ones feet.

A fruit bearing tree;
In Jesus I'm told.
Will bare sweet apples;
Sweet apples of gold.

Like honey they yield;
Providing the world.
With apples of goodness;
Produced by our Lord.

If you were a tree;
of apples so bold;
What kind of apples;
would your tree limbs hold?

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.

(Childrens Poem)
By: Susan Y Nikitenko
May 14th, 2011

Poetry On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved

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