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Monday, January 21, 2013

Flashing In The Night -

Flashing In The Night

Pretty, little lightning bugs;
Made with hands of love.
God made them special with a light;
He planned it while above.
With joy I like to watch them.
I caught them as a child.
In my bedroom, in the night;
I’d let them just go wild.
Flashing on my ceiling,
Flashing on my toe,
My daddy didn’t like it;
Shhhh, but still, I let them go.
I should of obeyed him;
This, I know is true.
And I learned my lesson;
Like little children do.
Pretty, little lightning bugs;
Busy sending out their light.
May we learn to work like them;
Reaching people, in the night.
Flashing, Flashing, everywhere;
Flashing, in the night.
Is the message, Jesus saves;
You’re precious in His sight.
Faithfully, blink and blink
As if, to the world to say;
Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves…….
Come today, Come today, Come today……..
Every time you see them flashing;
Blinking in the night.
Hear their little voices sing;
The message of His Light.
                You are precious,  you are precious,  you are precious………….
            He’s the way, He’s the way, He’s the way………….
                 Come today, come today, come today………….

By: Susan Y Nikitenko 2009 children's poem

 Matthew 5:14 a 
Ye are the light of the world. .

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Memory Verse 1 John 4: 7-8


Clip For Memory Verse Chart
For Craft Project

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Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At "" All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Link To This Blog. Thank-You.


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