Our Bundle Of Joy
When babies are born they cry at birth. I always have heard that babies were spanked
at birth because it cleared out the air passage to the lungs. Babies cry normally for food or any discomfort,
but laughter is something that comes later, at least it did with Anna. Anna is my 5 1/2-month-old granddaughter.
Anna started laughing in her sleep around 3 1/2 months old.
My daughter told me she could hear her laugh in the middle of the night
in her sleep. This happened a few times
until the day I was in the middle of changing her clothes. I was taking her little shirt off and my
fingers were under her arm while I was trying
to take her arm out of her sleeve. She
started laughing and even surprised herself.
I had discovered Anna is ticklish under the arms and also under her
chin. The day that Anna learned to smile
and laugh has brought laughter and smiles to every gathering of our church and
family since. When Anna smiles the whole
room starts smiling. When Anna was born
she looked so grumpy, and other people noticed she looked grumpy but
she had not learned how to smile yet. Just because she looked grumpy didn't mean she
was. It amazes me how a new baby can
bring so much joy. I'm sure that's why
we call new babies a "bundle of joy".
Something Anna has learned, as young as she is, is to be
gentle. She's learned how to reach her
hands to my face. Anna has reached both
hands to my face and looked into my eyes, cooing. It was definitely a way to say " I love
you." Last night I was so surprised
by her. She had bit down too hard on her
teething ring and I rocked her and I let her know I felt bad for her. I comforted her and she settled down. Afterward, she put her right hand to my cheek,
looked into my eyes, and talked away in baby language. I can hardly describe the feeling of joy I felt when my grandbaby started talking
to me with love in her eyes. The look
in her eyes brought me joy. She is so
sweet and seems especially smart to be able to express herself that way already. I just do not remember my grown
children expressing themselves the same way when they were infants.
When a new baby comes along everybody starts acting like
children, Even grandpa. Everybody makes
funny voices and sounds. The whole
family joins in bouncing the baby. smiling with the baby, talking like a baby, and
helping with the baby. I have always heard
there's no feeling so wonderful than to be a grandparent and I believe that to be
true. There is no doubt about it, Anna
has been and is a bundle of joy.
Susan Y Nikitenko
July 17th, 2017
Our Bundle Of Joy
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