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Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Key to The Treasure #2 The Old Love Note


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Key to the Treasure 2

The Old Love Note

    As the historian publicized the treasure, Emma and Liam's hearts raced with excitement. In part one of “Key to the Treasure,” the two of them set course for an exciting expedition that began with the discovery of a mysterious treasure. Months later, while playing at a local park, they stumbled upon a rusty key buried beneath the sand. Their curiosity led them to the Historical Museum, where the historian opened the door to a room filled with countless treasures one of which was a beautiful porcelain box that had not been opened In centuries.

  Among the artifacts, they learned about Edwin Barker, a brave soul who perished at the Battle of Bunker Hill, leaving behind his beloved Gracelin and their 11 children. While examining the relics, a newspaper reporter arrived, eager to interview them about their remarkable find and share their story with the world.

  Little did they know, the key they found was just the beginning of an adventure that would test their courage and persistence. Now, in part two, the adventure continues as Emma and Liam investigate deeper into the mystery of a treasure that holds value beyond pure gold. This experience will shape their lives and the lives of many others who are touched by the life changing stories of the Barker family.

     While observing the treasures inside the old treasure box, they were in awe of some of the jewelry pieces that had people painted on them, curious to know who they were and who had carefully painted them.  Emma held the beautiful piece of Jewelry in her hand.

   Mr. Whitmore, the enthusiastic museum historian, began to explain the fascinating items. “This is beautiful”, said Enma, they all agreed.

 "Ah, I see you've found Gracelin Barker," he said, pointing to the delicate brooch in her hand which was adorned with a painted portrait. "Isn't she lovely? Painted by a renowned artist of the 18th century. Just think of it as the old-fashioned version of a selfie!"  They all laughed.

  Mr. Whitmore gestured toward a delicate piece of parchment. "Here we have a diary entry written by Edwin Barker before he went to battle. It gives us a glimpse into his thoughts and feelings during that tumultuous time. Reading it is like stepping into a time machine."


       Mr. Whitmore opened the diary and began to read aloud:

 "Dearest Gracelin,

The days here are long and filled with uncertainty, yet my thoughts constantly drift back to you and our family. The preparations for the Battle of Bunker Hill are underway, and I can't help but feel a mix of fear and determination. We are fighting for a cause we believe in, for the freedom and future of our nation.

Though the nights are cold and the future uncertain, I hold on to the hope that one day, we shall be reunited, and our struggles will not be in vain. I carry your love and the memory of our time together as my shield, and it gives me the strength to face each new challenge.

If I am to fall in battle, know that I did so with your love in my heart and the belief that our sacrifices will lead to a brighter future. Remember to keep faith and stay strong, for our love will endure, even in the darkest of times.

Yours always, Love, Edwin Barker"

     As Mr. Whitmore vividly described and continued to talk the imagination of the children wandered upon the scene on bunker hill.  

   They could hear the deafening sounds of musket fire and the clash of bayonets filled the air as the Battle of Bunker Hill raged on. Amidst the chaos, Edwin Barker and his close friend, Thomas, fought valiantly side by side. They had faced many battles together, but this one felt different—more desperate, more intense.


    Edwin, covered in dirt and sweat, glanced at Thomas, who was equally battle-worn. "Stay close, Thomas. We've got to hold the line," Edwin shouted over the noise.


 Thomas nodded, determination etched on his face. "We've come this far, Edwin. We'll see it through."


     As the battle reached its peak, a sudden blast echoed nearby, and Edwin felt a searing pain in his chest. He stumbled, clutching his wound, and fell to the ground. Thomas quickly knelt beside him, his eyes filled with concern.


    "Edwin! Stay with me!" Thomas urged, trying to stop the bleeding with his trembling hands.


    Edwin's breath came in ragged gasps as he looked up at his friend. "Thomas... tell Gracelin... I fought bravely... for our future," he whispered with a faint voice.


   Tears welled up in Thomas's eyes as he nodded. "I promise, Edwin. I'll tell her."


   Edwin's vision began to fade, and his grip on Thomas's hand weakened. "Thank you... for standing by me... until the end," he whispered, his voice barely audible. God be with you.


With tears streaming down his face, Thomas said, "You are a hero, my friend."


With those final words, Edwin took his last breath, his hand slipping from Thomas's grasp. Thomas bowed his head, a mix of sorrow and determination filling his heart.


The battle continued to rage around them, but in that moment, Thomas felt the weight of his friend's sacrifice. He knew that Edwin's legacy would live on, and the story of his bravery would be remembered for generations to come.


    As Thomas later penned down his memories of that day, he hoped future generations would understand the depth of their sacrifice.

   Gracelin read the letter in his diary a month after he died, her tears mingled with the ink and left stains upon the page, feeling Edwin’s love and bravery in every word. “I miss you”, she said, in a whisper.

  Once again Emma and Lucy’s attention was again focused upon the treasure and Mr. Whitmore’s presentation of the wonderful artifacts found within the old beautiful treasure box.

   Here we find Gracelin Barker’s Bible the pages are yellowing and the Bible is warn from use.  

   Mr. Whitmore carefully opened the old Bible that belonged to Gracelin Barker. As he turned the fragile pages, he found a passage that had been underlined.

    "Here we are," Mr. Whitmore said, his voice gentle. "This passage, Proverbs 22:28, reads: 'Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.' It’s a reminder to honor and respect the heritage and values passed down through generations."

    As they continued to examine the Bible, Emma noticed something unusual tucked between the pages. "Look! There's a note here," she exclaimed, carefully unfolding the yellowed paper.

   Mr. Whitmore's eyes widened in surprise. "This appears to be a note written by Gracelin Barker herself," he said, reading aloud

  They imagined themselves there as He continued to speak. Like a dream in their heart.

  Gracelin Barker gathered her children around her in the dimly lit parlor. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, yet her voice carried a note of gentle reassurance. She held the old Bible close, her hands trembling slightly as she prepared to read the note she had written.

  "Come closer, my dear ones," she said softly, her eyes filled with love. "I have something important to share with you."

Her children huddled together, their faces reflecting a mix of sorrow and curiosity. Gracelin unfolded the note, her voice steady but filled with emotion.  I wrote this for you so that I would not forget to give to you the message your Father wanted to give to you.

 My Dearest Children,

 As you read these words, know that I have written them with a heart full of love and sorrow. Your father, Edward, is now in heaven, watching over us. He was a man of great honor and bravery, and his spirit will always be with us.

In these pages of my diary, torn out, I have written a devotion to remind you of his love and the faith that sustained him.


Proverbs 20:7 says,

'The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.'

 Your father walked in integrity, and his life was a testament to his faith and love for our family.

  As we grieve his loss, let us find comfort in the promises of God.

 John 15:13 tells us,

'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'

      Your father's sacrifice was a reflection of Christ's love for us.

 Though we may worry for our lives without him, let us hold on to our faith.  

 Ephesians 5:25 reminds us,

 'Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.'

     Your father's love for us was deep and unwavering, and we must carry that love forward.

   It was your father's deepest wish that each of you know Christ as your Savior. He feared that in these troubled times, without him to guide you, you might face the perils of war without the spiritual safety of salvation. He did not want you to be lost, to face eternity without the grace of God. Which many this hour suffer in the fiery torments of hell for not accepting the gift God has given.

   To be saved, my dear children, you must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose again. Romans 10:9 says, 'If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.' This faith is your shield and comfort in these uncertain times.

 Pray to Him, confess your sins, and accept His forgiveness. Let His love and sacrifice be your guiding light. Know that through Christ, we have the promise of eternal life, and that one day, we shall all be reunited in heaven.

Remember, my dear children, that we are never alone. God's love and your father's spirit will guide us through the darkest of times. Let us honor his memory by living with hope God desires us to have, loving Him and each other, and faith that endures.

 With all my love, Mother

    As Gracelin finished reading, tears streamed down her cheeks. Her children huddled around her as they wept together, their hearts aching with grief but also filled with a sense of comfort and hope. They clung to their mother, finding solace in her words and in the faith that bound them together.

. "Let this memory remind you of your father's love and the promises of God."

   The children looked up at her with tear-filled eyes, their spirits lifted by the devotion and the love that had been shared. The room seemed to glow with a sense of peace and unity, as the family embraced the legacy of faith and love left by Edward Barker.

  Gracelin gently wiped her children's tears away, her heart aching with both grief and hope. "Remember, my dear ones, Jesus will comfort you as a father does his children. Let us not grieve as those who have no hope."  The children nodded, their spirits uplifted by their mother's words. As night began to fall, Gracelin tucked the letter into her Bible for them to read again someday.

  Later in the Present Day:

 Emma and Liam, having spent an enriching day at the museum, found themselves deeply moved by their ancestors' legacy. As they prepared to leave, Liam said, "It's time for us to go now."

Emma, filled with curiosity, replied, "I want to learn more about the Barker family."

 "I do too," Liam agreed, "but we promised Mom we'd be back by 4:00 PM."

 The newspaper man, who had been meticulously taking notes, approached them. "Be sure to read Sunday's paper," he said with a knowing smile.

 "We will," Emma and Liam chorused, waving goodbye as they left the museum.

 Sunday Morning:

     The community buzzed with excitement as the Sunday paper hit the stands. The headline read: "The Discovered Love Note: A Family's Legacy of Faith and Love".

    The article detailed the touching story of Gracelin's devotion, Edward's heroism, and the family's unwavering faith.

     Readers were captivated by the amazing story. Many were moved to tears, and the story spread through the town like wildfire. People discussed the legacy of love and faith, and many were inspired to learn more about Christ and salvation.

     The impact of the discovered love note extended far beyond the museum, touching hearts and minds throughout the community. It served as a powerful reminder of the importance of salvation, continuing In faith, and the hope that gives us enduring strength. The hope we have in Christ and the promises He has given us.  

     Emma and Liam, having read the article, felt a deep sense of blessedness and connection to their heritage. They knew that their ancestors' legacy would continue to inspire and guide their family for generations to come.

     What other discoveries are yet to be discovered with this great historical find?

                         Susan Barker Nikitenko March 1, 2025©

"Hope itself is like a star—not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity." Spurgeon

Fighting for Independence

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Look and See

In the book of St John 1:11-12, it says.

 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name: 

When we believe in Christ as our Saviour, God gives us power to become his child.
We are not his child until we believe and trust upon Christ for salvation.
If Jesus was not born we would not of had power to become God's Child.
God chose adoption and we are adopted as sons and daughters.

Joseph is an example of God.  He accepted Jesus as his earthly son.  Joseph loved him as his own and watched over him also as his Saviour.  Go so loved and Joseph so loved.  

Look and See

 Look and see, this joyous day, the Infant Christ is here.

The angel’s voices could be heard from the gates of pearly white.

Look and see, in Mother’s arms, the promised child from God.

Glory Halleluiah Christ was born upon this bless-ed night.


Oh, Glory Halleluiah Christ is born, let us rejoice, Christ is born.

The promised child was given, the promised child from heaven.

The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here

and our hearts are filled with joy!


Hello, nice to meet you, we are shepherds from the field.

With gladness, we are here this night to see God’s promise fulfilled.

Thank you, God, for sending us this perfect baby boy.

A gift of love, A gift of peace, a gift of hope, and great joy.


Oh, Glory Halleluiah Christ is born, let us rejoice, Christ is born.

The promised child was given, the promised child from heaven.

The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here

and our hearts are filled with joy!


I am Joseph the protector of our newborn King.

God has chosen me for this family, for this miracle

This is Jesus, light of my life, Saviour of my soul.

I am his earthly father and I know; that I love him so.


Oh, Glory Halleluiah Christ is born, let us rejoice, Christ is born.

The promised child was given, the promised child from heaven.

The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here

and our hearts are filled with joy!


Look and see, the infant child that God has given me.

I am most favored to cradle my Savior and to worship him.

Look and know, that God loves us so, for Jesus is here.

Glory Halleluiah Christ is born, born to save us from our sin.


Oh, Glory Halleluiah Christ is born, let us rejoice, Christ is born.

The promised child was given, the promised child from heaven.

The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here

and our hearts are filled with joy!


Susan Y Nikitenko

Christmas Song or Dramatic Reading

December 10, 2022©

I read this as a dramatic reading this morning in church.
Read with a lot of feeling and emotion.

Luke 2:7-11
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Jesus Help Me

Lamentations 3:21-26

 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not.

 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

In Everything You Are

 Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include the Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.

Friday, February 5, 2021

True Hope Exemplified: Lesson

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, 
we have fellowship one with another, and the blood 
of Jesus Christ, his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to 
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

 Ephesians 2:8 
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

True Hope Exemplified

Today, I want to talk about the love of Jesus.  Jesus even loved people, like lepers, that knew no love.   They had to be separated from other people because their disease was contagious. When the lepers cried out for mercy... to who?   To Jesus.    The lepers were somehow told about Jesus healing others.

Leprosy is a terrible disease, I’m not sure if they have treatments or cures for it today, but I do know they had no cure for it in bible days.  They really had no hope outside of a miracle.   They saw Jesus from far off, entering into the city.  They immediately started crying out for mercy.   Jesus could have just passed by and ignored them.   There were ten men who were lepers in this story, who were once, normal and had families for whom they provided.   They couldn’t even visit them other than screaming from afar.  There was a distance between them and the only way to communicate was by screaming.  Each one grieved the loss of their lives with their families.  One of them could have been a lawyer, or one a doctor, or one a judge.   Leprosy does not care about prominence or power.  It didn’t matter who they were …they became beggars.  A million dollars couldn't have bought them a way out of their problem.  There really was no help anywhere.  They most likely had no water to bathe in or fresh clothes to wear. 

My little granddaughter, who’s about to turn four, was coloring the leper coloring page and pointed out the leper on the right side of the page.  She pointed out a problem.  “What is wrong with this leper’s eye?”  she asked.  I said, “Well, leprosy rots away at the flesh.  It can deform an eye, a hand, a mouth, or any part of the body.  Some of them could have lost a hand or a foot completely.  That is how terrible the disease of leprosy is. Leprosy eats away at someone until they die. The lepers in this bible story needed to be saved from a tragic life of suffering and death.

My eldest daughter had chickenpox when she was little.  She had one or two little bumps; it wasn’t even a serious case of chickenpox.  I put her in bed, prayed with her, and gave her a smooch good night on the lips.  Guess what, I got very sick with chickenpox.  I got it from head to toe.  It wasn’t just on my body outwardly, in every possible place.  It was in my nose, in my ears, in my lungs, it was everywhere. I truly, could not walk without difficulty.  I was so sick.

 I can honestly say, no one has ever done anything so nice for me, other than my mother.  My husband rubbed calamine lotion all over my body.  Every night he was there to take care of me.  The worst of the chickenpox was a few days.  It was a disease that lasted a very short time compared to leprosy.  There was no end to leprosy.   

I heard my brother-in-law telling my husband that He once had poison sumac from head to toe.  He was working outside and got into some poison leaves.  He couldn’t get rid of it.  He had to go to the doctor and get a shot.  Poison sumac breaks your skin out and has painful inching bumps.  It’s very hard not to scratch yourself raw if you have it.  It is very miserable.  The same way with poison ivy, I had poison ivy when I was a very young little girl.  I got it into my eyes, my parents were frantic and didn’t know what to do.  I was scratching at my eyes and they were frightened that I would injure my eyes.  They made a decision to tie my hands back to keep me from scratching my eyes out.  I do not remember my hands being tied back; I just know of it.  I have never forgotten; however, how terrible poison ivy can be. But - leprosy is still much worse.  What about COVID-19? Many people have died and it is more comparable to leprosy than chickenpox….still, leprosy is much more dreadful.  Leprosy is a very slow death.  They had fewer conveniences then than we do now.  

The people who had leprosy in Bible times really had no hope.  They were dying in their leprosy.   They discovered their only hope was Jesus.  Jesus was the only one that could heal them.  Jesus heard their cries from far off and told them to go to the priest to be cleansed.  They immediately obeyed.  It was on their way to be cleansed by the priest, that they were cleansed.  All 10 lepers were cleansed by God, not by the priest. They didn’t need the priest.   Maybe nine of them ran to see their families, but only one leper went back to find Jesus.  He went to tell Jesus thank-you.   His parents must have taught him to be a thankful person.  For anyone to say thank-you, most likely, he must have been a person who practiced thankfulness to other people before he ever got sick.  God thought so much of him giving thanks that He put it in his Word.  God makes note of people who are thankful to him. 

I once heard a story about a soldier whose life was saved by another soldier.  The soldier, that saved the rescued soldier’s life was left with a permanent injury.  The rescued soldier felt indebted to his friend.

I believe that the leper that went back to talk to Jesus felt indebted and grateful.  Jesus told him to go on his way.  He said, “Your faith hath made thee whole.”

Young People, God’s Word tells us we are saved by grace through faith.  Grace, meaning God’s mercy.  The story of leprosy is a real story that pictures how bad sin is.  Without Jesus, there is no hope for the lost sinner.  Without Jesus, a lost sinner has no hope of salvation.  He has no hope of heaven.  Jesus is the only way.  Jesus himself, says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  The bible says we are all sinners.  We are not saved by good works, though when we become born again believers, we are to walk in good works. 

Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.  Jesus died on the cross for you and arose from the dead.  He has power over life and death.  Your faith, in Christ, is what saves you.  God has offered you salvation, it is up to you to accept by faith the gift of salvation.  Do you want to be saved from your sin?    Do you think the lepers wanted to be saved from their leprosy?  Something to think about huh.  When you get saved you will be ready to tell everyone what Jesus did for you.  Just like the lepers, I’m sure they never stopped talking about what Jesus did for them.  The story of the ten lepers is true hope exemplified.  Hope when there was no hope.  Jesus is the only hope of our salvation.

Father God,  There are people who are looking for hope and they are talking about hope.  Hope is something that was originated by you. We know you love people and your arms are open wide to whosoever is seeking you.  You've been so good to us.  You didn't have to send your son, you didn't have to show us mercy.  Just like the lepers, they found hope in you.  What can wash away my sins? nothing but the blood of Jesus.  I pray all those reading this lesson today will realize, Jesus paid the price of our sin. I pray they will have faith in what Jesus did.  He came to rescue the perishing. Without Jesus, we are perishing in our sins. Just as the lepers were perishing in their leprosy.

Open the eyes of those that need to see.  In Jesus name, I pray this Amen.


Susan Y Nikitenko

February 5th, 2021

Older Children - Adult Lesson

I adjusted this lesson for beginners.

This lesson is for older children.

Luke 17:12-19 
And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:
 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.
 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 
 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,
  And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.
 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You. Print Friendly and PDF

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hope In God Coloring Page

 Psalms 42:11
Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
and why art thou disquieted within me?
hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him,
who is the health of my countenance,
and my God.

Poetry And Other Materials On This Site Can Be Freely Used For Christian Bible Centered Non-Profit Ministries And must Remain Unchanged In Any Way. All Other Purposes Are With Permission Only. You May Make Requests At - All my poems with stories are both real and fictional designed to illustrate a biblical truth. All Rights Reserved. Please Include Site Name And Proper Credit Back To This Blog. Thank-You.


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